Great film

I saw this Film on Saturday and I thought it was good. I came on IMDB as always and the majority of you rubbished it. Admittedly i didnt enjoy it as much as Oceans 11 but still good none the less. Anyway i watched it again on Sunday and the 2nd time round it was fantastic





***************LAST WARNING**********************

The 2nd time i saw it, After knowing the HUGE plot twist it was good to watch and see the lead up to the twist! People have said the acting is wooden but 2nd time of watching it you can see the awkwardness of them setting up Leo for a fall. Its not woodedn acting at all. Its clever to watch the plot pan out.

4 1/2 out of 5*

And Kirsten Booth............... Its COPACABANA!!!!! Hahaha (whoever has seen the outtakes knows what i mean!)

:O( Not enough characters to write my sig :O(


Must say if you dont see the end coming then you missed alot. Is very much worth watching though.
