MovieChat Forums > Black Sash (2003) Discussion > Black Sash and Birds of Prey VCDs

Black Sash and Birds of Prey VCDs

Hello. I finally collected all the episodes on VCD and test watched them. These VCDs are in decent, watchable quality. If anyone is interested in trading for these episodes, or even the entire series, e-mail me at [email protected]. Tell me which episodes you want and make me an offer. Your offer can include other TV show episodes, DVDs, CDs, video games, etc. I’m open to whatever you want to offer. I will also check the message board if you want to reply to this instead. Also, I have the entire Birds of Prey series on VCD also, including the unaired pilot. So, if you are interested in that, you can make an offer for those also. Anyways, just let me know.

P.S. I will also soon (within a couple days I plan) be putting up Mortal Kombat Conquest Official VCDs, so be prepared to see those. More details soon!

Also, I am very close to having the entire Mortal Kombat Conquest series. Sometime in the near future (not too near unfortunately), I will begin to start trading those episodes also.


I'm interested but unfortunately don't have any way to record VCD's..would you be willing to accept a straight money deal?
I Don't think you'd get in trouble selling them as they are off TV
like ALL these shows..been wanting to find them all..thanks

"Yea,they're Dead,they're all messed up"-Sheriff Conan Mclellan
