Why this will never be a film!

George Lucas has said repeatedly that the "Expanded Universe" was not fleshed out the way he would have done it, so we won't see any EU movies. Seems strange since he has no problem raking in millions for EU franchises.

But the real truth is that most of the EU work is a thousand times more entertaining than anything he has ever come up with. The KOTOR games are infinitely superior plot-wise and in believability to anything in his prequel trilogy. He won't allow ANYTHING written by other authors to make it into film because he knows it will expose to everyone just how LAME he is.

I guess the meek can inherit the Earth now. It looks like the stupid aren't doing anything with it.


Well, the truth is more likely that George hadn't thought anything up beyond Jedi; since much of what he'd originally planned out wouldn't have worked. There was originally going to be a 'wedding', but it took enough persuading just to get Harrison back on screen, since Ford had hoped for his character to be martyred off in the carbonite. (He always considered Solo to be fairly two-dimensional)

With the death of the Kirsch', there's only the cast left with any clout to changing Lucas' mind, and none of the originals (except maybe Tony) is interested in reprising their old characters, far as I'm aware...

"Life is pain. You just get used to it!" Charlie Baltimore.


Its funny - others have been better at Star Wars than its own creator.


George Lucas has used stuff from the EU in the movies. Aayla Secura appeared in the EU first and he put her in AOTC and ROTS. The name Coruscant was first used in the EU. And Lucas created Darth Bane for the EU

Spartans never die, they're just Missing In Action.


George Lucas has created the second most successful movie of all times, if you correct for inflation (Which is usually avoided so people can present younger movies instead).


And you call him an idiot ?

