KOTOR 1 and 2 HD Collections - 360/PS3

I think they should release these two great games in HD and in one pack with achievements and trophies, depending on which platform you buy it on.

They are doing it with devil may cry, Jak and Daxter, Splintercell etc.

Who agrees?

"Stand your Ground and FIGHT!"


I agree. Even though I think the second one isn't nearly as good as the first one, it was still a fun experience. I hope they do release something like that soon.


The second one had improved gameplay if I remember correctly. I forget what it was specifically, but I remember liking it more. Kind of like Halo 2 vs Halo. But like those games, I also remember the storyline being a little WTF at times.

The decisions to not follow up Revan's story was a huge mistake. HUGE. Revan, Bastilla, and Carth's friendship is what I wanted to knowmore about. Not some f-cking made up outcast who they tried to make as influential and powerful as Revan.

And some of the villain's motives make absolutely no sense. Sion and Nihilus seem to be pure evil. They hate Kreia; who wants the outcast to see his/her true potential and thinks she has to be a Sith in order to do that? WTF? Then you got Atris who just decideds to become evil one day. Great.

I'd love to see them on PS3 though, agreed.

My movie review site: http://www.hesaidshesaidreviewsite.com/


I agree. They did it with Metal Gear Solid (MGS2, MGS3 and Peace Walker) so why not KOTOR

I do intend to get the Metal Gear Solid one at some point

---We will rule over all this land and we will call it... This Land.---


I just got the KOTOR collection for PC. I dunno if its HD though. The graphics are way better but I had only played on XBox before.
