Taris - Promised Land

I started a game up in this for the first time in a few years. I don't ever remember giving the old guy in the Undercity his journals and the whole Outcast group leaving their camp. Maybe I forgot about it or never did it before. Either way, is there ever any answer what happens to them?

My movie review site: http://www.hesaidshesaidreviewsite.com/


Well the Sith bombard Taris, so I think it's safe to assume that they perish along with the rest of the planet.

"Ram this in your clambake, bitchcakes!"


Hard to say, but I think they actually make it. Your group clears out the gangs and the monsters down in the tunnels paving a clean pass for them. The sith bombardment annihilates the surface of the planet but the undercity seems to be well insulated...much like a bomb shelter way below the surface. Although I did not read anything official, it is safe to assume that most (maybe all) reached their destination.

"What are you looking at"?


I assumed they survived, since the Promised Land was a self contained colony deep underground. Its likely the Sith bombardment didnt penetrate as far as the Undercity, let alone the areas below that.


Apparently, the Promised Land folk are still around in the new game.

"Only one person collected blood-slides: the Bay-Harbor-Butcher." Vince Masuka


According to that flaming-turd-of-a-game The Old Republic, The Promised Land was untouched. Whether they made it there.. not sure.
