KotOR or the Prequels

Which do you prefer more?

My vote goes to KotOR.


KotOR without a doubt.

People seem to think i have hidden depths. I don't, i really am this shallow


KotOR. That should have been a movie, and the prequel trilogy a video game.

"We're going to take the ATM machine with us to Mexico."


KotOR. That should have been a movie

I concur. I hope that one day more than a decade from now at least, an enterprising director would film a KotOR trilogy (one film wouldn't do justice to the game) and make it as awesome as the game...


KOTOR. You could easily break it into three movies. Taris/Dantoine wpuld be one, have the second end with the twist/Bastila fighting Malak, and than do the third. It would be so epic. Oh, and just forget the second game.



KOTOR as movies will rock

i hope someday someone does it some how!

"Everybody knows you never go full retard" - Kirk Lazarus


i plan on doing 9 kotor movies someday :)


Its funny. George Lucas didn't participate in KotOR's development, yet it blew out the entire prequel trilogy out of the water.

I think Lucas was angry on the inside at KotOR's critical acclaim and success. "But... but... my prequels had the greatest CGI known to man!!! I thought you film-goers wanted a shallow movie with no story!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!"


I agree. Untill KotOR came along, Star Wars was but slowly dying.

Which is probably why they figure that the only way to keep the franchise alive without seeming too cheesy like the animated series they've got going on is to create an mmo alongside Bioware.


Could be why KOTOR 2 was such a let down? Professional jealousy from Lucas in getting the game rushed out before it was finished?

"I was just thinking of how much you remind me of Santa Claus." Cdr. Shepard


KOTOR was just amazing and just blows the new three movies out of the water. I mean it was so immersive... but the second game although okay just didn't make the grade.

Of course anything with the Phantom Menace as part of the set really doesn't stand a chance.

The night is the best part of the whole day.


I'm so glad someone made a post like this.
No contest: KOTOR is better than the prequels.

KOTOR lets you play in a familiar Star Wars universe setting that, timewise, is so distant from the movies that is doesn't create plot holes or screw with the classics. Oh and the big twist in KOTOR is awesome too, almost as good as the one in Empire.

The prequels while some are entertaining enough films, screw with the classics and create plot holes. And no real twists.


This game (as well as some others) introduces some ridiculously powerful Force abilities. It kind of doesn't fit with the movies at all. That being said, it wasn't as blatantly offensive as The Force Unleashed and with a really good storyline, I enjoy this more than any prequel.

My movie review site: http://www.hesaidshesaidreviewsite.com/


I like the prequels more than most people, especially RoTS... but really its no contest, KOTOR is much better. To be perfectly honest, I prefer KOTOR and its story more than even the Original Trilogy including the basically perfect ESB.

Its unfortunate though we never continued Revan's story, or at least what was presented in the second game. While the second game obviously lacked closure, it probably would be a lot less obtrusive if it was just the end of the second game, and the third really came in and closed it out, (much like Mass Effect 3... outside of the ending I guess).


I dont think you enjoyed Force Unleashed for what they obviously set out to do. They wanted to make a game where, the player had virtually NO LIMITS on what they could do, if took that game that seriously then thats why you didn't like it. It was fun from a purely GAMEPLAY angle, KOTOR does exceed it for the sake of the story, atmosphere, character development, and expansion on the Star Wars universe as a whole. But gameplay of the two seems unfair to compare, seeing as 2 entirely different combat systems.


Honestly, I think KOTOR is even far superior to the original trilogy.


The prequels had their moments and some cool scenes(Podrace, Maul vs Obi and Qui,Genosis scenes, any Jedi battle in RotS, and opening of RotS). Definitely not as good as the original trilogy or VII. I do enjoy KotOR more.

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Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year
