The only Thing i dont Get is...

Why is bastila only a padawan and ur pc is only a padawan 4 the whole game i mean Revan a sith lord and the new revan is a padawn with all this power wudnt they make u a jedi knight or somethig


The Council didn't want the old Revan to return. That's exactly why they were reluctant to re-train Revan in the first place. His delusions of grandeur could possibly return, and making him a Knight right after joining the Order would only further that risk.

"I will be the last... and you will go first" - Sarevok


Because the timespan in the game isn't really long enough for a padawan to get promoted.


I sense the OP is dangerously impatient.

Jack Bauer: Make a sound and I will blow your brains out all over the windshield.


Let's not forget that he might be a little less than skilled with the English language, but that might not be his fault.

What I don't understand is, the Jedi Council would have HAD to re-train Revan in order for their plan to work, so their reluctance doesn't add up completely for me.

"There's nothing you can know that isn't known."
-John Lennon


It's possible that fear of Revan nearly caused them to ignore common sense.

Assassin, Lone Wolf & Cub.


If Revan doesn't get re-trained, he might get killed by Malak or some other "bad" guys.


Training him while they don't fully trust him means there is a greater risk that Revan becomes one with Malak and both can be unstoppable and rule the Galaxy!

Who was the first that forged the deadly blade? Of rugged steel his savage soul was made - Tibullus


Also I'm pretty sure they were on Dantooine for like 4 weeks before they left. Now after the events of the game, he could have been after the ceremony.

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


Other thing is that I think very few number of Jedi knew about the plan. So to everybody else, the main character was supposedly some bum who just joined the Order. A quick promotion for someone who just became a padawan could raise suspicion. As I said before, the timespan in the game is pretty short.


Padawan is already a Jedi rank.

Also, being a Jedi Knight doesnt depend upon how powerful you are. It depends upon how mature and wise you are.

A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.


They just don't based a Knight title off of power. They have to prove that they are trust worthy, faithful and skilled fighters/negotiators. Anakin even being as powerful as he was wasn't one till sometime before RotJ.

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


Well, Bastilla was a padawan but Revan was a knight...perhaps already a master in regards to his level of knowledge and power. It was only for show that they gave the impression of a gifted member of the Republic being force sensitive as it was a rather desperate time/plan so they needed to put their best foot forward and hope Revan's redemption would bring victory and peace over Malak.

Stay tuned for the documentary: "From Wheaties to Fruit Loops...the Bruce Jenner story"
