over chaotic ?

I find it hard to believe things happened the way the movie showed us, i get the feeling of an endless summer, surfing and skateboarding, but these guys trashed everything around them, signed into competitions without practicing or knowing what they were going into, all in all, it just feels way to much that the guys were living for the current minute only, which is not bad, but still over chaotic and unrealistic, do you agree?

Lords of Dogtown: 8/10

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These were poor kids from families that never had money or even smelled fame. Of course they'd jump at the first chance they've got to get both. But only Alva that was quick to jump, ship Jay and Peralta had some family spirit in them, remember? They were hesitant about leaving the Zephyr team. About the trashing things around them part, it's no surprise that some teenagers get that rowdy/chaotic. I knew a lot of them in the past. I think the movie was very realistic. 9/10


I found their attitudes to be realistic.

http://www.cgonzales.net & http://www.drxcreatures.com


Signed up for competitions without even practicing? There whole life was practicing. If you wake up and have a board at your feet (surf or skate) all day long, that is practicing. They didn't practice, they lived.

Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.



suzycreamcheese RIP Heath Ledger 1979-2008


that's a good point thou

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That is WHY this became a movie, and why the documentary was made (which came first), this is a main idea of this story.
These guys were just doing their thing, living it, and happened to be creating a sport AND CULTURE that didn't exist before them. They were the center of it without even realizing it.
Thanks to the magazine articles a whole world came out of it.
According to the doc, Skate board mag those years was the biggest selling magazine at 7-11 stores across the county, you have to remember, that was before Internet.
They didn't invent the skate board competition, but caused it to happen, then went to it and transformed it to what we see today.
out of chaos art/life is born.
Skip talked a lot about this in the doc.


i just realized this topic is 6 years old, and even worse, my account is eleven years old... dayum

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I wanta know if the mosh pit Jay stumbled upon in the street really happened & if so who was the band playing for that. i know the guy had on a Black Flag tshirt so their the prime suspects.
