What went wrong here?

Check out my review here where I break it all down @

http://reviewfix.com/2009/09/despite-initial-charm-the-brothers-grimm- provides-few-memorable-moments/


lame review, you didn't even mention the director Terry Gilliam. To me this is not the best film that he's done, but if you can see some of the themes and ideas of the movie in relation to some of his other fantasy films like "Adventures of Baron Munchausen", then it's a fairly rewarding experience on that level. There are even points of comparison between this film and "Tideland." What's really annoying about this write-up is that you take time to tell us that Jon Pryce was in "Pirates of the Carribean" and "Ronin" but you don't talk about how he's made 2 other significant films with Terry Gilliam ("Munchausen" and "Brazil") prior to making this film. It's like any random person at the movie could have written this review, because you don't offer any insight into the movie.

Did I not love him, Cooch? MY OWN FLESH I DIDN'T LOVE BETTER!!! But he had to say 'Nooooooooo'


Funkyfry is right, the review didn't "break it down" at all, it just parroted everyone's opinion that the story is a mixed up mess. Well....

....if you'd seen most of Terry Gilliam's movies, frankly THEY ARE ALL THAT WAY!
Sometimes it works (Brazil, Monty Python/Holy Grail, Time Bandits), often it's just confusing and aimless (Jabberwocky, Munchausen).

What's funny is that after the ads and such, I never got it in my head that it was a Terry Gilliam movie, and I avoided it for years. Just recently I've been revisiting fun flicks from the 80's and put Time Bandits on my NETFLIX queue. Remarkably, Time Bandits and Brothers Grimm came in the mail back-to-back, and after watching 20 minutes of Brothers Grimm I kept telling my girlfriend - "This movie feels kinda like Time Bandits!" I was surprised to discover it was a Terry Gilliam film when the credits rolled up!!!

I guess my road to watching this film was just as mangled as it's plot!
