Banned in Michigan?

I saw this on the trivia but couldn't find out more. I just thought it was weird if true. It's not like it's a super-gory movie or super-sexy. Just struck me as odd.

As far as my own take on the movie: It's a fun, brainless, slasher-flick that I didn't expect much from so I wasn't disappointed. It's one of my cheesy gulty pleasures. :)

In Stranger Eons


I think they meant the movie within the movie. On one of the websites Mary looks at it says that Iowa and Michigan have banned the film.


I was wondering that myself, if they meant the movie within the movie was banned because I did notice that scene as well. They should clarify that in the trivia since the movie itself has two titles.

I wonder why they chose Michigan? I'd it known as ultra-conservative for some reason? Or is it just an in-joke for the creators.
