MovieChat Forums > The Crow: Wicked Prayer (2005) Discussion > those of you who say Brandon Lee was ter...

those of you who say Brandon Lee was terrible as The Crow

I honestly don't even see how someone can say that he was the worst when no one can even be compared to him. No one else could have played Eric Draven and he played it beautifully. And those of you who think he is famous just because of his death should be ashamed. If Brandon had lived he would be just as big as someone like Johnny Depp. He was a great actor and this would have been his break. And this is the worst Crow by far.


Brandon Lee was utterly superb in the first one, but Wicked Prayer is nowhere near as bad as the second film. I don't know how they got away with an almost total rehash of the first film and to have to sit through two hours of Mia Kirshner doing a doe-eyed, weepy looking, emotionally scarred 'no one understands me' tattoo artist along with Iggy Pop attempting to act was quite frankly, too much to bear! At least Wicked Prayer moves along with some attempt at telling a story.


Brandon was ok playing Eric.
Not terrible, not great, just ok.
But I don't really blame him. I blame the watered down script. The remvoed so much character from Eric that if would not have mattered who played him, it would have been medicore.

Changing Eric from this uncontrolable madman to a sad clown was just wrong.

The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he is God.


I agree with you. If he had lived he would have done his father proud as an actor.

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