MovieChat Forums > Walk on Water (2005) Discussion > My two (minor) problems with the film (S...

My two (minor) problems with the film (SPOILERS)

(1) The film opens with the hit on the Palestinian in Istanbul. The Mossad could not carry out a foreign operation of this sort without permission from the Foreign Ministry, which would never compromise relations with Turkey, especially over someone clearly not a major figure.

(2) I can understand that Eyal managed to get a gun in Berlin (most likely from a safe locker in the city), but how did Axel accept his explanation that he took it on the plane - flying out of Tel Aviv?

"Do you know, we could go,
We are free;
Any place you could think of
We could be"


(2) His explanation does sound pretty weak, but maybe Axel suspected all along (his guide turning up in Berlin, days after he told him he would never, ever come to Germany) and decided not to call him on it.


Like we need your support...


If these are your problems with this movie you are lucky. It is shallow, dull and stupid with a ridiculous script and so much boring dialogue and non-acting that a gun on a plane is DEFINITELY the minor problem


I feel that it's one of the best Israeli films of the decade, and an important addition to "queer cinema" in the world, neither dull nor stupid. And it deals with complex issues in an entertaining manner.

"Sometimes you have to take the bull by the tail, and face the truth" - G. Marx

