Dead Sea

I know Israel is a liberal country compared to its neighbor, but I did wonder when Axel and Eyal shower after bathing/swimming in the Dead Sea. They wear swimsuit in the water, but are naked in the shower (no cabin!) Is that made for the movie or is it so in reality? Skinny-dipping would be more likely than standing in the open - unless the director wants to show some nude buttocks!?



Thanks for replying!

I thought that the Dead Sea was one of the most popular tourist spots in Israel and some people would mind if you showered in the nude - unless in a cabin.

I agree they surely had sex on their mind after showering, but maybe they waited until their meeting in Berlin - but this is up to each of us to interpret - I see the point you're making about the music on the car radio.

To dare is to lose foothold for a moment, not to dare is to lose life (Kierkegaard)


The dead sea is usually a very crowded place, however, it does get pretty cold in the fall/winter, and there are in - fact many occasions in which the beaches are practically desserted. Especially in the evenings.

so, it's very possible to bathe nude. both in the sea, and out.
I've personally witnessed that several times.

You have to understand, because the majoraty of israeli's perform military services, they often shower together at military bases. Especialy in combat units (Which eyal was obviously in), so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for him.

I think that's why he was so surprised to find out the german was gay. and maybe also why he was taken back by it for a while.

I have to say, I've travelled to many places (I've also lived in the States for about 6 years), and I have never seen closer frienships between to males, or two females, than here in israel. (I was in the states with a group of friends, and our neighbours often told us they had never seen such close friends, who would do anything for eachother).
This has alot to do with the intense situaltions we face with eachother primarily in our military service, but also in every day life (particularly guys).

What I'm trying to say, is that the close relashionship between the two of them could have gone either way.
I thought it was a beautiful bond, whether romantic or not.
(I want to be clear on this, I'm a straight woman, just so those of you who are gay know that alot of us think that a love story is wonderful in every form).
I did think alot of times how perfect it might have been if this macho guy fell in love with the german guy.
But it was beautiful to me as a friendship as well.

I absolutely loved this film.

(Watch "the bubble"!) - 10!!!


Thanks for clearing this up - and your reply. I agree they had a bond whether romantic or not.
To dare is to lose foothold for a moment, not to dare is to lose life (Kierkegaard)


There are enough remote spots along the shore where they would have privacy. Eyal would have known where to go.

You know you should surrender
But you can't let it go...
