Copper pots?

This movie made me wonder...

Why does every good cook deserve copper pots?



Mainly I think as a cook because copper pots give better conduction and give more even results when cooking - but the comment was a bit condecending for most non-cooks lol. S.D.


I'm a pretty good cook...even if I say so myself.
But I've never encountered copper pots...anywhere. I haven't even seen them for sale anywhere.
So far I've only heard a movie of Martha Steward mentioning copper pots.
Nothing to do with not being a cook.


They sell copper pots at... Kmart, of all places! I bet Williams-Sonoma has some too though haha


I haven't seen the movie, but they showed that scene on Letterman during "Know Your Current Events" (the movie was one of the categories).

One of the questions was the one you're asking.

The answer? Even distribution of the heat.
