
Did anyone else find this movie histerical?


Yeah,specially the part where she's yelling about the wine(get it?).


I SAID MERLOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My friend and I say this to each other all the time...and laugh our butts off.

No TV and no beer make Homer...something, something.



I think is way up there is Mommy Dearest! Very funny. "Hey slut, I'm writing your parents a letter telling them you're a whore!"


That's my favorite line. My mom and I were in a kitchen store one day a few months ago, and we were looking at the display of pots and pans. I picked up a small copper pot and just randmomly (In a hushed version of Martha) "EVERY CHEF NEEDS A COPPER POT!"

Well, I'm Sookie Stackhouse, and I'm a waitress--True Blood


I was 13 when this came out and I remember taping it and laughing my ass off, even when I saw it the second time.
I seem to remember something about Martha in an SUV rolling down the road, and this woman who I think her husband was having an affair with, was jogging next to it.
I'm pretty sure Martha shouted something like "I'm gonna send your parents a letter and tell them you're a whore!"
This is my favorite forgotten TV movie behind two others: 2) Bad Ronald, 1) Riding the Bus with my Sister.
The latter being the funniest thing I've ever seen....

DeMented Forever!


Grabbing Bad Ronald and Riding... right now. Looks like they should deliver.
