Where can I buy this DVD?

This DVD is not available in my country.

Does anyone have an idea which web site I can order this DVD with English subtitles?


Hi there, you don't say which country you are from, but if you're in europe try http://www.store4dv d.com/ or
http://www.enterpri sesdvd.com/ They have it on region one, with english subtitles. I hope this helps. Otherwise amazon may be your best bet.

To acheive the impossible dream, try going to sleep...


To reginathefox

Thanks for trying to help me, but unfortunately you can't buy the DVD movie "La Finestra di fronte" on these links that you gave me.

I don't care which region the movie have.

I tried on www.dvdsoon.com (From Canada with worldwide delivery), but with no results.

I found the movie (very expensive) in some Australian web-pages and amazon before I wrote the poster "Where can I buy this DVD?". I have no intention to buy the DVD there since it's too expensive.

I’m from Scandinavia and I don’t see how this information can be helpful.


I bought it from enterprisesdvd.com a few weeks ago, did you search under "Facing Windows?" Thats the english title, store4dvd has it. I just checked.

To acheive the impossible dream, try going to sleep...


Thanks for your help. I didn't know that the movie had an English title and the title is not translated directly from Italian to English.

Anyway I'll recommend this site for price comparison of certain DVD’s.
http://www.dvdprice check.co.uk

I'll also recommend buying DVD’s from USA or Canada since the quality of most DVD’s are better than Europe.

An Italian friend of mine is coming to my country and she will bring the movie direct from Italy for a very cheap price.


i have this movie.
If you want i send you by hmm MSN? if you have Dsl or Cable,it wont be a problem,i guess.

my email is:[email protected]

"The Best offense is good defense "


Thanks symbolinees.

I already got this movie.

By the way, I have 100 Mbit network :o)


And, uhmm, I would like to point out that PAL is a better system then NTSC, s011239. There's no question about it.

"If I could just say a few words... I'd be a better public speaker!"
- Homer J. Simpson.


Thanks for sharing us your opinion.


The dvd will be available in Spain next week. I guess you can get it online from FNAC, El Corte Inglés, DVDGo, or the like.


Thanks for your help.

I already have this DVD. I don't live in Spain. I have been there in Zaragoza for 6 months, so I know FNAC and El Corte Inglés.

I live in Denmark.


Hmm...I rented this movie from Netflix, but the Suncoast store I go to has a lot of foreign movies just like this.

Wala akong masasabi sayo. Umalis ka nga.




can buy it from bestbuy.com or have seen it in Borders Stores in Foreign Film (can most likely buy it from Borders website)


Thank you, I've already got this movie


Make sure you get the American R1 version though out of print it can still be found on ebay and Amazon...NTSC runs movies at correct speed PAL speeds movies up by 4%.
