Ground liver..?

What recipe were they making; grinding the liver, the blood, etc. And what was the white stuff Noi was cutting? Im guessing it had something to do with the pie thing they were eating (birthday pie?).


I figured he was making pâté (gag!)

Naughty Peach


That was funny when he splashed all that blood all over his dad and grandma in the kitchen lol.


They're making a traditional Icelandic food, to use as much as possible of the sheep the liver is ground up and inserted into the stomach and then sewn shut. The blood is mixed with the fat from the sheep and then put in a bag similar to the one mentioned earlier. Noi was probably cutting up the fat
This food doesn't taste good and looks even worse than it tastes(or the other way around, never eat it)
I hope that helped you.


Blodpudding or what I think is called Blood Sausage in English ?

Delicious fried with lingonberries but definitely an acquired taste.


yeah that's what I thought too
looks like nasty stuff huh?

"Nobody messes with Adam We"
