MovieChat Forums > Nói albinói (2003) Discussion > The Elvis song foreshadows part of the ...

The Elvis song foreshadows part of the movie(spoiler)

The Elvis song "In the Ghetto" was heard twice in the movie but after listening to the lyrics closely I think I might know why. The lyrics that I think relate to the movie:

"Then one night in desperation, the young man breaks away"
"He buys a gun" (Doesn't actually buy it, but uses one to try to rob the bank)
"Steals a car" (Yep)
"Tries to run, but he doesn't get far" (Tries to run away with Iris, but when she won't come he keeps going and is caught by the police)

Am I reading too much into this? Thoguhts?


pretty cool theory, dont know if this was intentional but i cant really say that your not right.


I noticed that, too. I prefer the Nick Cave cover of In the Ghetto, but that's irrellevant.

Cold is also a recurring image in the song. ("Cold and gray Chicago morn'," "plays in the streets as the cold wind blows.")

At first I thought the movie might be trying to tell the same story as the song, but Noi's family wasn't that poor, and he doesn't die in the end. And he didn't even have a Momma, so the "his momma cries" line is really problematic.


I'd say it was intentional. There's lots of threads and motifs throughout the film that come together with the ending.

Why problem make? When you no problem have, you don't want to make ...
