noi had special powers?

what is the connection to his uncanny ability for puzzles and games and his being an albino have to do with the death of his friends/family/. the clarevoyant saw death in his cup, so the avalanche had something to do with him. did he cause the death of those people, especially considering that all that died were friends of his or had attempted to help him in some way. was their death a way of prompting noi to find a better life in a tropical climate and if so that sucks for those that died in a sense for him.


i am stuck on that exact same problem - about the death in a cup thing, and how all his friends died.
as for the rubiks cube, I guess Noi was like an idiot savant. (incredibly smart ppl with high IQs)


errr idiot savant is more people most would see as "retarded" or "mentally disabled" with a speical gift or talent...



idiot savant is more people most would see as "retarded" or "mentally disabled" with a speical gift or talent

That term is considered derogatory. "Savant syndrome" seems to be the PC term. Also, you could call them incredibly brilliant people often with a form of autism spectrum disorder. Said that way it sounds like the same thing but it's not. They're often above average at spelling, by the way.



Here's just my take on this - I don't thnk he had supernatural powers. He was very intelligent leading to him being very alienated because he could not see the point in all the things he was expected to participate in.

In the end his assessment was uncannily right because all those that were trying to help or guide him (with the exception of the priest) were wiped out. Even though he did everything "wrong" he was still the one in the right place at the right time to survive.

Those that died lived in the part of town Noi also lived in, that would explain, to me, why those he knew died. There wasn't anything cosmic, IMO, it just makes sense that his closest neighbors would also perish in the avalanche.

Noi is now free from all those that are trying, in one way or another, to influence him. Who he will become now, where he will go, is up to him.


Late to the party, I know, but I just watched this movie for the first time despite being aware of its existence for over a decade... Yeah. This was my take on it too. Noi is finally free of obligations real and imagined to pursue is own path.

