The Mission

Does anyone besides me think that part where Alex tumbles through the different terrain then gets stuck with a cactus to his back then floats down the river & over the falls is a very small knock-off/homage to the movie, "The Mission" with Robert DeNiro & Jeremy Irons?

Just curious.... let me know what you think :)


I did...

I'd wanted to become a doctor and couldn't,yet became the best known doctor in the galaxy.


thanks... I'm glad it's not just me- heck- who even knows if they really intended it that way or I'm adding my own interpretation. But knowing you think so too, makes me feel better! :)


Yes! That's it; it seemed familiar, but I coulnd't place it. Thanks, OP.


I obviously have too much time and too many movies on my "hand!" lol!

I have to say when there's something like this in a movie, it will bug me until I can think of where it came from.

I still hold that the homage in the movie "Austin Powers: the Spy who Shagged me" to the movie "The Great Santini" with Robert Duvall may be too obscure for most- but the scene where he bounces the "world" off of Rob Lowe's head it a total knock-off! :)


I could see that as a homage.
