Rated "R"?

How can this be rated "R" if it was made for TV?



sometimes they rate it like TV-14 or TV-MA and then when the video release comes out it turns into the usual R or PG-13


Well, somebody thinks it deserved that rating, and in fact there were complaints made to the FCC for "indecency", as mentioned in the following article:


The movie with the "R" rating that mystified me was "Romy and Michelle's Class Reunion" of a few years back. Totally undeserved, as best as I could tell, but you can't argue with the MPAA.



lol I wouldn't be surprised if they rated Tom and Jerry 'R' in America for violence and cartoon 'almost-snuff' ..XD The American ratings are rediculous. In Europe, three quarters of the flicks that are rated 'R' in America are rated 12, as is this movie 'The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer'. The Americans have issues when it comes to rating movies.


Germany is crazy when it comes to rating.

Tom And Jerry could get a PG-13.

"James Bond Bullets Arent Cheap"


Actually Koteas, most American ratings are VERY reasonable. The idea of showing a 12-year-old a film like Gladiator or Dark Prince is what's a joke to me.


You are a great proof of why rating systems dont work. Obviusly you are not maure enough to be shown such movies if you think gladiator needs to be rated at all.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


This made-for-TV dreck was rated TV-14 so an "R" is ludicrous. Wouldn't shock me if co-executive producer King asked for it to sell more DVDs. I've always thought that's what he did for the horrible direct-to-video "The Langoliers" -- as there's nothing in that to warrant an "R" either.

I'm surprised to see so many threads on these boards for a movie this atrocious.


The Nurse (1997) is rated R and it's television movie. Yes, it's ridiculous. The tv version of "IT" is PG. Even though Pennywise kills children nothing is ever shown and there is no swearing or nudity. It was the tame version of the book. Unless it's on paid cable a television movie should never be Rated R.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
