Why's Yon called Yon

Does anyone know why Simon Hall's nic-name is Yon? It doesn't make sence.


Yon is his nickname because his name is Simon and when he was at school someone started calling him Simon to Simyon and eventually shortened to just Yon
and it just stuck.
(Does this explanation make any sense?)
There is a better explanation from Yon on his website


The website says it's because he was calling another kid "yonny", and it sort of rebounded and stuck. I think it's in the FAQ section of aforementioned site.



well its kind of a mixture of those explanations. Yon knew a kid at school whose freckles reminded him of 'yonnies', skimming stones, so he called the kid yonny and the kid called him yonny back. The name stuck. After that people called him Simyon, Yon or Yonnie.


Or Monkeyman according to "Lady Robots" which I just saw tonight. Hilarious! Anyone who has a chance to see them live should, its really awesome.
