50 minutes of Trump smears...

What a bore.



I didn't bother watching past Ann Coulter. It was a relief to see that she was just the opening guest and wasn't going to be on the panel, because I knew the show would be basically an hour Trump roast. I would have tolerated it to see Coulter get on there and not back down, but was glad I didn't have to bother.


That's what you don't get. You don't need to "smear" Trump. Everything objectionable about him comes pouring right out of HIS OWN MOUTH like diarrhea.

Whoever you're supporting, it's simply obvious who is being smeared more in this election. Despite being investigated by the FBI, the State Department, a special prosecutor throughout the 1990's, the legitimate media, and several GOP-controlled congressional subcommittees, we're STILL being told that Hilary Clinton is a "criminal" guilty of horrible, unnamed crimes. So either she has somehow fooled all these people, yet os STUPID enough to run for president instead of fleeing the country while the getting's good, or ALL of these people are "in on it". But maybe it's possible that this whole thing is just a smear, and the negative stuff that has been found on Clinton isn't the "tip of the iceberg", but is simply the entire not-so-big "iceberg"? Seems far more likely to me.

Whether they're telling the truth or not, these women wouldn't be coming forward to accuse Trump if HE hadn't shot his own mouth off first. And like a hypocrite, HE is the one that keeps trying to slime Bill Clinton with 90's rape allegations. Why weren't these allegations brought against Clinton by the special prosecutor or doing his impeachment trial? Maybe it's because even his political opponents knew they were bullsh*t. But while it's funny to see Trump get a dose of his own medicine, I doubt that is why anybody will vote against him. It's his supporters who justify supporting such an obviously unqualified and unfit candidate by trying to make Hilary Clinton into some kind of omnipotent super-villain who commits the most dastardly deeds imaginable and then runs for president.

"Let be be finale of seem/ The only emperor is the Emperor of Ice Cream"
