MovieChat Forums > Ocean's Twelve (2004) Discussion > Julia Roberts' "Tess" playing at being J...

Julia Roberts' "Tess" playing at being Julia Roberts: POLL

The only thing I remember about this film was Julia Roberts' silly character Tess in the film somehow being 'useful' to the 'plot' by attempting to be recognized as Julia Roberts, the 'moviestar', even though she is realllly just silly old Tess and most defffffinitely not the so well camouflaged out of her identity Julia Roberts.....

Did others enjoy this??? I was not impressed in the slightest.


Tess fooling some people in France that she's actually Julia Roberts is pretty clever and a good execution of a classic con. They just went way too far with it. The scene could have been saved in the editing room but this was a case of egos gone mad.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


its one of the dumbest things put to screen I have ever seen in my life.
