Trebuchets? WTF?

How the *beep* did the native britons have trebuchets??? They're invented around that time but in Asia...they were just showing up in China or Byzancium. How in hell would a low-tech, nomadic, barbaric people like the Britons have acess to such advanced technology in the 5th century BC?


I took it as a hint to Merlin's magic/engineering feats in the sources regarding the raising of Stonehenge. I thought it was a nice wink to that.

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


That is a good point.


It's not the 5th century BC. The church didn't exist then, and the Roman Empire wasn't in the British Isles. This is in the 5th century AD.


You're only off by a thousand years or so. This is set in 500 AD, after the Romans left Britain. So yeah, the Romans had trebuchets. The Britons must have copied them.

Plus by this point the native Britons had recruited Arthur to lead them in battle. He probably told them how to use the trebuchets.


Yes, the Britons took a lot of cultural cues from the Romans.


It's a common idea that Arthur and his Knights were the tail end of the Romano-British with a knowledge of Roman warfare and probably early christians as well.
