The Waitress

Not sure if it was ever explained but what was her true identity or role with the reapers? Just rewatched the last episode 'Haunted' and she goes up to George and explains how Roxy is like a mother figure.

Also recalling other episodes from past and remembering scenes between her and Rube.

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand



Kiffany also isn't freaked out by the gravelings taking over one of her tables in Vacation. I don't think this is ever explained. They are not as careful here about protecting their secret as on some other shows I could mention (Power of Three). You would also think Crystal would be more inquisitive than she is shown to be in Vacation.

George: Shallow's the new deep, haven't you heard?


She couldn't see the Gravelings. All she saw at the empty table was a stack of cups and utensils that the Gravelings had left as an architectural mark, like the one they later left at Happy.


I once read a theory that Kiffany is actually upper level reaper management. After re-watching a bunch of episodes, I'm favoring this theory myself.


that theory would explain a lot of her reactions or her lack thereof. She is a great character.


Mason says she's supposed to be slightly psychic in one episode (Season 2, episode 13 Last Call) when he wants her to tell him if she knows what's with the purple post-it and what's going to happen to him

Though I'm liking the theory about her being upper level reaper management, with her not freaking out about them appearing different on Halloween and responding to them normally.

NCIS-Is that anything like CSI?
Only if you're dyslexic


There's a deleted scene from S2 - Mason and that purple posit I believe - that's leaves little doubt that Kiffany has got something going, but that scene wasn't included.

Both Crystal and Kiffany - after Fuller's departure - got boosted with tantalizing hints of something more going on with them.

Crystal in S110 'Business Unfinished' seems to be looking at the ghost of Mary Kate as she walks past with Daisy looking for George. Obviously if she can see her that would be a hint of something more going on with her, or it could have been a mistake by Crystal the actress whose eyes followed the 'ghost' and it didn't get caught.

Later in the same episode Crystal is deliberately put into the scene where it appears she can overhear George and Daisy conspire to commit reaper sins at about 9 minutes into the dvd......

(Daisy and George talk off to the side privately)
G: What do you want?
D: I come bearing gifts. (a not so subtle warning?)
G: I’m busy.
D: She’s rich (Mary Kate) which makes her son rich, which could make us rich, but I need your help.
G: Why would I want to help you anyway?
D: Well... there’s the kindness of your heart, and at the risk of repeating myself lots of money.
G: How much money?
D: Ooodles. Do you know how much zeroes there are in ooodles? Are you getting this? Do I need to draw you a treasure map?

GeorgeVoiceOver: A girl’s got needs you know, even a dead girl - especially a dead girl.

G: What do I have to do?
D: Well first, you’ll need to take a few day’s off work.
G: Today?
D: No, no, don’t be silly. How’s a week next Tuesday - are you free? Yes, of course, today. Don’t you see my face? I’m playing urgency.
G: I’m gonna have to pass.

(At this point in the scene Crystal sidles up behind Daisy possibly in time to overhear George’s next words. Long shot interpretation: Is this how Rube and the other reaper authorities find out Daisy is cheating again? Later in the episode Rube and several other reapers dressed as cops suddenly show up to disrupt Daisy’s scam. Somehow Rube suddenly knew a lot about her plans and precisely where the blame rested - he never went after George or Mason.)

G: I don’t think reapers are supposed to use ghosts to get money.
I should stay here and collate.
D: Collate?
D*mn it Georgia. Show some ambition.
That’s what separates us from the animals, you know!
It’s not the opposable thumb. It’s ambition.
Animals don’t like money. We do.

And then there's Kiffany at the WH who many times overhears incriminating conversations at the booth but never remarks.

By the last episode when the new rule is introduced that reapers revert in appearance every year around Halloween as you point out she (nor anyone else?!?!?) doesn't seem to notice they all changed radically in appearance. It also becomes clear from the dialogue that Kiffany has been working in that diner with several of those reapers for decades. She doesn't notice they're not aging? Is she aging?

My guess is that Godchaux and company were well aware of these disruptions to consistency but put higher priority on other goals with the plotting and characters. In this case the whole Halloween appearance changing convention was thrown in to make sure in that last scene with George appearing in the morning light in front of Reggie that we knew Reggie would see George's face and not Millie's.

When they put that episode together did they know the cancelation was coming? If so then that last scene was a severely truncated meeting for the two sisters that ended the story. Reggie knew her sister was in fact haunting / hanging around (the candy left by George was evidence she wasn't dreaming) the family.

For George -- after all the tumultuous to and fro she went thru in the end she bowed to Rube's influence and she chose to walk away from her past - Joy and Reggie at her gravestone.

For Rube -- he gave in to the PTB (the envelope) and George (again the PTB who placed her with him) and reconnected with his family including meeting with his daughter prior to her death embracing his past.


Kiffany's conversation with Mason, about why she liked working at Der Waffle Haus, seemed to indicate to me that she had nothing to do with the afterlife.


I get the impression that Kiffany (and other regular waitresses) is privvy to a lot of people's weird lives in general. As long as they pay their bill and leave her a reasonable tip, she could care less. This is not abnormal, as I've talked with seasoned waitresses who have talked about conversations even stranger than the reapers' conversations.

On the other hand, she MUST have seen the assignments, occasionally glancing at addresses, then reading or viewing information about the death in the near future in numerous occasions.

But there are too many inconsistencies for her to be "upper management." She cannot see gravelings, for instance. She MAY be a conduit for "upper management" in ways that can't be explained, which would make the most sense.

Keep in mind she banned Mason for awhile after he had that bout with homelessness and acted like a total jerk in the restaurant. If she were involved in any way with "upper management" she wouldn't have prevented one of the "workers" fromg getting his "work assignments."

Not to mention how she hardly knew the elderly cashier in 102 when the sign fell on him after the kids set off the firecracker bomb in the toilet system. That was a bit weird.


This is pretty much what I think. She's a waitress. It's hard work and you don't make much money. Rube and his gang are good tippers, and they have some sort of regular meetings there.

Waitresses hear a lot of weird things. Looks to me that she takes the attitude of turning the other way when she hears something odd, or maybe she thinks they have a weird way of talking. After all, she's not likely to think they really are dead, so if she hears Georgie make a comment like "girls need money...especially dead girls," she might think that is referring to who knows what, but certainly not that George ws saying that she herself is dead.

She does what good waitresses do: minds her own business.

Still, it did cross my mind that maybe she's an undead, too, but is not a reaper, but is paying pennance doing a stint as a waitress. If she is, she may not know that Rube and his gang are undead, too. Or she may know it, but is unsure what they are or do.

But I think she may just be a waitress who hears weird things but minds her own business. Unless there's some particular reason to indicate otehrwise.


i'm glad they left both Crystal and the waitress backgrounds open. I'm sure if the series had more seasons they would eventually get around to explaining them.

I let hearing other ppls theories about them.

I think they were just normal ppl that started to pick up on the groups strange and odd behavior. Not very exciting but that's how i view them.

Russians don't take a dump without a plan son,whats his plan?..Admiral Painter -Hunt for Red October


