Rated R

Just wondering...How graphic are the scenes between Basinger and the younger man?




What exactly is "graphic" here? There's quite a bit of nudity in this film, along with a few suggestions of provocative acts (as when the daughter walks in on her mother and the boy), but it seems like most of the graphic elements happened off-screen.

I don't think full frontal nudity in itself is graphic. Or maybe I've just become jaded. Probably both.


Let's eliminate the word "graphic" and just say: there's plenty in this movie to disturb anyone who's bothered by sex and nudity in movies (which I'm generally not). There's also quite a bit of sex between a grown woman and a teenage boy, and there's a strange scene with a naked Jeff Bridges holding his 4-year-old daughter. Although I love this R-rated movie -- which earned its R rating -- I understand that it's not for everyone.






Good point. The tone and handling of those scene alone are enough to earn this film an R-rating. I'm not sure most children under 17 could grasp the depth of the emotions of this film anyway. Of course, a lot of adults probably couldn't either.
