The Pictures

When Marion left why did she take all the pictures in the house as well as the negatives?


cause she's a bitch


Because she wants Ruth to grow up with her own life, not remembering the lives of brothers she never knew. She doesn't want to me a bad mother to Ruth, she'd rather be "no" mother to her. However, she was a good mother to her sons; and, she deserves the memories.


her husband also deserves pictures and memories of HIS sons.


I believe it was so that they (especially Ted and Ruth), could move on with their lives. During the whole movie, Ruth was obsessed with the pictures (or shrine, as the babysitter put it) and that was unfair to her and her childhood.

I thought it was a bit unfair for Marion to take all the pictures but she knew that Ted wouldn't be able to move on unless she did. I would like to think that she eventually returned the pics, especially after Ruth was much older.


Marion had made so many mistakes (Not that Ted was an angel) but I think she wanted to give Ted and Ruth some sort of closure. Ruth was young enough to forget most of that part in her life and it was time to move on.

Marion removed herself and the pictures. Now Ruth will not be reminded daily of the depression of her mother and the sad story behind the pictures.

I have to read the book I guess....I just wonder why those pictures were left there for so long. I guess because Marion could not move on (ergo...another good reason to leave and let her daughter have a more normal life).
