I liked this movie.

I like this movie a lot. Enough said. I wrote a long review but decided not to post it. This movie stands well for itself. I should make it clear though that anyone who likes Adam Sandler and such "All-American Entertainment" should stay away from this movie. Also, stay away from me!





No really, this movie rocked. I was shocked in a good way. It was amazing. The experience itself was superb.

The cinematography? Fabulous. The script. Sick. In every great way.



can someone tell me what the scene in the end was all about. he went back to the house and it was abandoned, but it seems as though it is the next day and he goes to the house and no one is there anymore. and the woman gets pushed off the hillside into the ocean.

can someone provide me their interpretation?


my intepretation - breillat's not getting any haha. seriously though, how can anyone like this movie? yuck. better she'd gone over the cliff in the first 5 minutes.


I like movies with Adam Sandler and French movies beyond what is normal for Hollywood movies. I haven't seen this yet - but I like "Irreversible".


No, this is not like Irreversible.
If you are looking for EXTREME films. Stick to Mermaid in a Manhole.
This film is a deconstruction of the sexual experience.
It is shocking only in its discussion of the taboo. And uncomfortable as the viewers asks themselves, "Why am I uncomfortable?"

"It's muffin time...
Muffa-muffa-muffin time!"

