A scene involving animals?

One of the reviewers here on the site mentions a scene involving harm to one or more animals, without specifics. I admire the director, but I find real harm or pain inflicted on animals, such as in her early film "A Very Young Girl," to be unjustifiable -- period. Still, I would watch this film -- but I would prefer to be warned what's coming. Thanks for any help.


A kid goes to a tree and feeds a few little birds. I believe one of the two doesn't eat a worm so he puts it in his pocket and climbs down the tree. He sees that his shirt pocket is bloody, so he pulls out the bird, which is dead. He drops it and stomps on it.


Sounds like stuff that could've substituted already-dead animals. Okay, thanks for the reply. I appreciate it.


It was a baby bird, without feathers, so I think she killed it for the film. She's a cruel, mocking person that makes bad movies. She relys on stuff like this to get press.


It was so cruel. I really hate this film for this.



Its doesn make so much sense, but i get it. She is pretty radical. Not all men are like this, besides this men which she discribes are pretty much in the minority.
