Great Film

I think it's really good. Pretentious, sure, but the director sucessfully achieves her goal of the misogony thta lurks in the heart of gay men and straight men.

Quetion is:what do we do about this unhealthy situation. How can we make the two sexes appreciate and like one another more; get rid of all this animosity, suspicion and blame?

I hope this movie gets more than its current reputation as being nothing but a gross out. Scenes like the drinking of the tampon blood have a deeper and more complicated meaning.

One to watch using your noggin!


[Scenes like the drinking of the tampon blood has a deeper and more complicated meaning.]

lol, brilliant. Only on a Catherine Breillat thread would you find such a sentence.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!


Did you ever consider that the director has a problem with men-I have seen it time and again. A women who has a deep hatred of men will take a gay man to torment for the ills of some straight guy who "done her wrong" and anyway the only thing gay about the guy was that they said he was-noone I know who is gay would behave in such a manner, so lady's drink your own tampon juices and leave us guys to eat the crap out of each others asses.


[Did you ever consider that the director has a problem with men]

Judging from her particularly venomous interviews, I'd say that most definitely the case.

Last film seen: Robert Bresson's Pickpocket - Brilliant!


I'm fed up to the ears with the self-important mystification of the female sex and sexuality by feminist artists like Breillat. I believe many feminists half-consciously promote the sexist mystique of women's sexuality by placing women on a pedestal and turning their sexuality into a special object for intellectual contemplation.

It is symptomatic of this particular form of narcissism that the hub of the discussion is the female body, always the female body, and the subversive, scrotum-withering energies it is supposed to contain. Feminist artists rave endlessly about their bodies and, what is particularly telling, their menstrual blood.

They talk about menstrual blood as if it were the core-juice of their very being as women, and of course about men's supposedly institutionalised and politicised fear of that nectar of womanhood. It never occurs to them that the "stigma" or "attitudes" associated with menstruation may derive from the same source as the resentment of blood and other bodily fluids in general.

The explanation to women's own displeasure at the sight of menstruation, I mean their strange and irrational reluctance to wallow and revel in blood dribbling from their privates, is, of course, the internalised self-hatred which patriarchal society has instilled in women.


Talking about menstrual blood, nay, the very thought of the whole process, is f%cking revolting. Not mystical,not poetic, not symbolic of the female mystique. Revolting. Now shut the hell up about it, because no one cares.


If men menstruated I'm sure the whole process would be thought of very differently.

Personally, I think I have too much bloom. Maybe that's the trouble with me.


I so agree with you. They're all misandrist and I am sick of people saying someone so blatantly sexist as this "artist" is brilliant.


What she has yet to address is her own misandrist attitudes and those that lurk in lesbian and straight women.


This film looks fascinating! =D There are plenty of movies out there that deal with hatred of women [ Watch Quelli Che Contano/Cry Of A Prostitute to see just how far the Italians loved taking this concept, back in the day ], so I'm definitely interested in experiencing the other side of the coin. I'm checking out this movie and the director's other efforts for sure! =D

"Cain and Abel will go to Heaven... if they can make it through Hell!"
-Los Hijos Del Topo




I think it's a bloody good film. (honestly, no pun intended)
