quote from movie?

i'm looking for a quote that i think was from this movie.
it goes something like " a woman and a toad are similar in how they spread their legs, but at least the toad has the decency to be green" (ouch, i know).

does anyone have it?


From the subtitles:

It's not what we see, though when you spread your legs, we're revolted, by the overly bright color, the sloppy, shapeless aspect of your hidden lips, the thinness of their skin, though here and there, it's lumpy, a skin that sweats, that oozes, a pestilential skin, like the skin of frogs. Frogs, at least, have the decency of being green, but their thighs, symbolically, can be spread as wide as yours. It's not what we see. Your denial of the obscenity is what frightens us most.
It doesn't make much more sense to me in French.
Ce n’est pas ce qu’on voit, encore que l’écartèlement de vos jambes nous répugne par la couleur trop vive, et le côté informe et indolent de vos lèvres cachées, et la finesse de cette peau, quoique, ici et là, grumeleuse, une peau qui sue, qui suppure, une peau infecte, comme celle des grenouilles, qui au moins ont la décence d’être vertes mais dont les cuisses, symboliquement, ont l’immensité écartelées des vôtres. Ce n’est pas ce qu’on voit, c’est ce qui se dérobe dont l’obscénité est la plus effrayante à nos yeux.
By the way, I can't find the entire original, but this seems to be a quote from Catherine Breillat's own novel Pornocratie.
