MovieChat Forums > Superman Returns (2006) Discussion > The good points of this film

The good points of this film

I know a lot of people hate this film, but after the 2 recent Snyder films, it's funny how people are starting to appreciate this movie more. It's kind of refreshing. I personally like this film a lot, but I know it has lots of flaws like the writing, little to no action, Kate Bosworth being miscasted, lack of new villain, recycled plot points etc.

But here's what I loved from this film:

-Opening is basically a modernized opening of the 1978 film complete with the awesome John Williams score. Yes, nostalgia.
-Cinematography and soundtrack are breathtaking. The shots of Superman flying and quietly hovering around look phenomenal. I feel the soundtrack alone doesn't get enough praise (and I'm not talking about the parts that are borrowed from John Williams original score). I especially love the part where Superman flies up into the sun to gather energy right before diving and pick up the growing island.
-Brandon Routh is really well casted. Yes, I agree he maybe a bit young, but he has a heroic presence that you can trust like Reeve. His acting isn't as powerful as Christopher Reeve though. Another plus is his striking resemblance. I really wish we could have seen Routh as Superman at least one more time.
-The airplane rescue is probably one of the best scenes with Superman doing what he does best.
-Shooting Superman in the eye. I've always wondered this this as a kid. I finally got my answer. Also, flying faster than a speeding bullet and blocking the oversized minigun.
-Inclusion of Marlon Brando. Hearing his lines echoed in the film and why he sent Superman to earth really helps to nail he "SUPER" man part of the movie. The writers were really trying to make a Superman movie. I get disgusted thinking about the recent MoS and BvS in how wrong they got the Superman character and how bland he is. Though personally, I thought that using Brando's old footage and digitally make him speak new lines was really unnecessary. It's cool we had that technology but in the movie, you barely notice.
-"You say the world doesn't need a savior, but everyday I hear someone crying out for one." Probably my favorite line in the film and it really helps to nail in what Superman goes through.

What did you like from this film?


I've always dug this film since I saw it in theaters in 2006. People who like it are in the true minority.

I personally liked Kate Bosworth as Lois because she was portrayed as someone who didn't really fall into the 'screaming damsel in distress' trope. I liked that they changed her into a strong mother who wasn't falling over Supes as it was something that would have never been explored otherwise. The few times she needed help was in a more creative situation then you'd expect from a movie like this as opposed to the tired falling from extreme heights while screaming. I also found it interesting that they decided to not have her scream once in this film and she was the first Lois to actually save Superman from drowning despite Zack Snyder ripping it off in BvS to a lesser extent.

I agree with you on the OST. It really conveyed the heaviness of being in a big city like Metropolis and having no one there for you. Even the pieces that were played during the part where Superman is saving Metropolis feels uplifting and of epic proportions. It's too bad there wasn't a villain that could have gone toe to toe with Superman because the soundtrack wouldn't be appreciated otherwise unless you really liked the film. I think the best part of it was Lex's theme. No longer did it sound like the goofy and mischievous theme of the 70s but something more sinister and intelligent.

Many people disagree but the film matured the characters' personalities quite a bit. Fans may have initially complained that the characters were a little different from their 70s counterparts but it was the point of the story. Lois wasn't waiting around for Superman anymore and Lex Luthor was no longer playing around with the company he kept.

Lastly I liked how they toned down Clark's personality at the Planet. Where Reeve was loud and more tongue and cheek, Routh played it more like a quiet and awkward outcast and someone who would realistically be shunned by their colleagues if they had been gone for a while and wasn't exactly great at being social.


-eye scene was pretty awesome

-being a sequel to the first two instead of going full reboot and forcing us to sit through Superman's origin again was admirable


FYC: Keanu Reeves


It still hasn't grown on me even after 10 years. Man of Steel was the Superman movie I always wanted to see and it's one of my favorite superhero movies.


I consider this the definitive Superman. Blaming Brandon Routh for his portrayal is ridiculous - any actor taking on the role after Christopher Reeve would be up against it, to be sure. There was a reverence to this film regarding Superman that is sadly missing in comic book movies anymore. That being said, what I consider the good points of the film:
1. The serious tone of the film, while interjecting a good dose of fantasy and fan worship. Superman is the greatest comic book hero. Period. And he is deservedly treated as such in this film.
2. The minigun episode, and in particular, the 'getting shot in the eye' segment. I often think of this scene as a perfect example of how 'super' he actually is.
3. When he takes Lois on the flight over the city and he asks her what she hears. She says she hears nothing. He says he hears everything. This drives home his obligation and mission to protect the people of Earth; and it is another example of how 'super' he is. Without knocking us over the head with it.
I love this film and it never seems overly long, or boring. Man of Steel was an incredibly huge disappointment and step backward. I haven't even seen Batman v Superman. The entire premise seems ridiculous to me. Everyone just wants to see a smackdown no matter how ludicrous the idea or execution.


Its themes of relevancy and alienation were compelling. I mean, it's one thing to be an alien, a lone survivor of a race residing on a planet that isn't yours and trying to find acceptance, but it's another issue entirely when the world you left behind turns into something you barely even recognize.

As much as fanboys bitch about "Lois being married to someone else" or "Superman has a kid", the thing about those bits is that they work, especially the latter; it reinforces themes of fathers and sons with Superman ascending into the former role, coming full circle in relation to the first film. It's what ultimately makes Superman realize that he's still needed, and in a way it's meta/metaphorical. Plus, in a role reversal, it's Lois who saves Superman, by giving him the reason to live.


very well said...


Nah the film does work, first disrespects the originals which it claims to be a sequel of, Lois being 8 years younger when she should have been 5 years older, the kid angel.. she finds out he has 'super powers' but the events in Superman 2 meant she forget about sleeping with him.. so god knows what she things he has done to her.

Also for Superman who is meant to be the boy scout, responsible type didn't use a condom?? I find that hard to believe. Plus he became 'human' so how did he kid get powers?

Ugh, nope sorry naff movie. And i dislike it with each viewing.

Also it shouldn't have ignored 3 and 4, having his mother alive was a waste of time, she should have remained dead.


MOS and BvS are much better than this film IMO, but some things I did like in the film.
-The flying, the only thing MOS and BvS got right with thr flying was the power of it and those sonic booms he causes. But the visualization of it is just not there. In MOS there was too much shaky cam and in BvS we didn't really see close ups of his flying.
-lois Lane I still think Katw played a bad Lois but she was better than Amy. I feel both Amy and Kate have no personality as Lois and are too soft. But at least Kate's Lois had the great scene of diving into the ocean to save his life. Amy is always treating Clark Like he is a kid who needs a pat on the head.
-The beautiful flying scene with Superman and Lois

1. BVS 2. TWS 3. Avengers


"first disrespects the originals"

It didn't "disrespect the originals" - there is clearly an enormous amount of respect for them. The movie is both a sequel and reboot, having ties with the originals but not directly bound by them, thereby adding a certain level of flexibility.

"Also for Superman who is meant to be the boy scout, responsible type didn't use a condom??"

Who's to say he hadn't and that it didn't break?

"Plus he became 'human' so how did he kid get powers?"

Again, the movie isn't a direct sequel to the originals. It's a sequel of sorts and a reboot, acknowledging some elements from the originals have happened but others not.
