I Need Help

I'm on the last level I think it's something about a courtyard and I can't beat it. I have Aragorn at lvl 10 and I set the dificuty to easy and I still can't beat it. So if you could help that would be grand.


Are you talking about the courtyard-like place in Helm's Deep, where all the Uruks are coming through the wall and you have to protect a door? If so, that's where I've been stuck for about a month. If not, then I'm still SOL.
And, still a little on-topic, how the heck do you defeat the bad guy in Zelda when he's coming through all those paintings? I get him out of the paintings and we start battling, but how many hits does it take to kill him? (I can sooo see an owl with a lollipop telling me "The world may never know." LOL...kick-back from the tootsie-pops commercials)


I could only beat this level with Aragorn when I got really experienced at the game, and even so, the wall nearly dies every time I play as Aragorn. Play as LEgolas! Its much easier. Make sure you have bought Legolas's Mithril Arrows upgrade. MITHRIL ARROWS ARE THE BEST!!! They set enemies on fire with purple flame (even shielded enemies) and are able to pass through an enemy and lodge themself in another. It only takes a coupe of shots to kill Uruk-Hai. If you havnt, and you cant get any more points for Legolas (ie: youve played every level up to Hornburg Courtyard with him , and hence cant replay them), then I suggest you start the game again, or else continue tryin to do it with aragorn. anyways, if you DO have legolas with mithril arrows, begin the level. Now you will notice that on the left side of the big door (as you are facing it), there is a grey ruined statue lying on the ground, right next to the wall on the doors left. Go behind the statue (ie: make it so that the statue is between you and the door). You will notice that not many enemies will attack you while you are here. They will mostly be too focussed on the door. Just continuously fire mithril arrows at the enemies attacking the door, stopping only when one of them comes to attack you. If you run out of arrows, move out and find some (there ought to be some near), then return to your spot. Continue doing this until you are greeted with a cutscene of some Uruk's bearing down upon Aragorn. A new icon will appear at the top of the screen of Aragorn's health bar. Do not let it run out, obviously. Make your way up the stairs leading out of the courtyard. You will find yourself on top of a wall, with orcs attacking you. Run past them , only stopping to kill the ones really holding you up, and travel left until you reach some small steps leading up to the place where Aragorn is being attacked. Kill all the Uruks surrounding him, and his health meter will disappear, indicating that you do not have to protect him anymore. Go back to the courtyard area, back behind the ruins where you were shooting from before. Now, continue shooting the enemies, but pay close attention to what soldiers are yelling. It is easier to do this if you enable subtitles in the Pause Menu. Eventually a soldier will yell "ARCHERS ON THE WALL!". Go back up the stairs to the top of the wall. You will notice some orc archers in the background that are impossible to get to, but that you are able to shoot. Kill them all, then go back to the courtyard and resume what you were doing before. Eventually, you will be greeted with a cutscene of a couple of trolls coming into the courtyard. Now I'm sure you will have developed your own strategy for killing trolls by now, but here is mine. Go up to a troll and press the Fierce Attack button ONCE. Do not press it twice and do the Double Hack move or else the troll will be able to attack you. After you have pressed the FA button ONCE, run away from the troll, as he will try to hit you with his club. Run back to the troll and press the FA button again. Then run away. Repeat until both trolls are dead. You will then be greeted with a long cutscene of the Rohan soldiers retreating into the great hall, and then riding out to the orcs, and Gandalf riding down the hill to save the day.

Hope that helps :)

There's plenty for the both of us, may the best dwarf win
