Yea, ya, yeah.....

I fuqn laffed my AZZ off in this movie. I seriously laffed hard, hard like a boner hard. That fuqn freaky weird Russian/Danish douche was a complete riot. His one-liners, similes, randomness was so perfect I couldn't tell if it was improv or scripted from Short. I noticed a lot of similarities between Glick's personalities and the movie, "Clifford." (NO, not that big fuqn red dog.) The Lynch thing was hysterical too. Jan Hooks was awesome. I really enjoyed it. I reminded myself that this is a lower-budget comedy. Don't go into this thinking it's the next Titanic. However I think this BLOWS Titanic out of the water, or sinks the shiitt out of it;)



An Honest and completely accurate review! I totally agree. This is one of the
funniest movies made and hardly anyone has ever watched it...
