SRK-SAK chemistry

the chemistry that Shah Rukh and Saif shared was amazing (which made the Kante-Ben moment even more funnier)... Is it only me, or didn't anyone feel that the SRK-SAK chemistry was much stronger than both SRK-Preity and SAK-Preity chemistry put together? (I hope these two actors make more movies together...)...

I heard that they might star in DHOOM 3 together.. I hope that's true



I agree completely. Marmalade, I don't think they meant romantically. Chemistry doesn't have to mean romantic. By the ending of the film, when they're talking in the hospital, it really felt like two really good friends talking. I think it was better than anyone else together in the whole film. It was really powerful, too.

I'll join you when hell freezes over.
Dumbledore's Army!


Definetly, i didnt mean romantically but like bobaloo said "it was better than anyone else together in the whole film"



Yeah it reminded me of joey and Chandler in friends.


Totally agree they have amazing chemistry
