God I love this guy

Evil, yes. But oddly likable...and funny too.




I understand what he ws saying. He has that quality about him thats just so average it makes you feel at ease. Thats part of the reason i enjoyed this movie so much. You begin to feel comfortable, then he opens his mouth and speaks and you realize hes just cold blooded.


"Evil, yes. But oddly likable...and funny too."

-Yep. Evil people are usually that way. That's what sucks you in.



I agree!


Me too. He knew alot of people I wish I knew.


when i was younger i wanted to be just like him
seriously he was my childhood hero

uoy llik ot gniog mi siht daer nac uoy fi


You all need to read "Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer: The Iceman" by Philip Carlo if you haven't all ready. I can guarentee you will not put it down.


You're damn right about that one dude. I'm reading that book, im the 4th person in my family now that is reading it. Im in the middle, i just can't put the thing down. My Dad read

See you in the funny papers.

~Chuck T. Butcher


I found that I felt sorry for him when I saw "Iceman and the Psychiatrist." He was beaten by his father for no reason. He was thrown out of the house at 16. He had to fight to make a living. He was told he had a fearless personality and rage from being beaten as a child. What he did was wrong, but I could sense some humanity and sadness. His brother Joe was in prison for raping a 12 year old girl. I can only imagine the torture they were put through growing up. I know what he did was wrong, but my heart went out to him just the same. I'm definitely getting the Iceman DVD. I cannot wait for Hollywood to make a movie on his life. They did one for Eileen Wuornos called "Monster."



He is dead and I'm glad. He seemed like he was bragging about killing and that was the only thing he was proud of. What a loser and death is too good for him.


i concur. he was a loser, and i hope he's burning in hell right now.



"What a loser and death is too good for him." ... i assure you death is not good to him.

it's safe to assume he's probably in Hell.

but good documentary though ;)


"it's safe to assume he's probably in Hell."

Only in your evil, sadistic Christian belief system.



Bizarre and hilarious.


This guy was MORE horrifying than Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, Wuornos, Gein, Gacy or any other killers. The fact that if someone even looked at him the wrong way that he would want to kill them or if he was just wanting to test out a new weapon like a crossbow.....to me that makes him more evil than all the other famous killers (with the exception of HITLER). At least Dahmer, Bundy or Gacy for example had a certain 'type' they went after, but this monster would kill at random, over 100 people and didn't have not 1% of guilt or remorse. That's truly the definition of psycho. Glad he's dead and may he burn in hell for all eternity!


Did you even pay attention to the doco??? You say things that have no backing and are proven wrong in the film... Idiot.

Judas Priest Cult #2
let the mass begin....
Your wife died from cyanide in the scotch


"This guy was MORE horrifying than Dahmer, Bundy, Manson, Wuornos, Gein, Gacy or any other killers."

I disagree. Dahmer, Bundy and Gacy are truly terrifying. The motivation fo killing and the things they did was far more horrifying than the killing performed by the Iceman.



Ed Gein's "reputation" is extremely exaggerated.

I like Batman Begins AND TDK! Anyone else?


Anyone who calls Richard K a hero has serious problems.

In saying that though you could see the humanity in Richard. He was funny and I guess if you caught him at the right time he could be good company.

Ps. As for Carlo's book, in my opinion its a piece of garbage.


Yep Philip Carlo's book is superb. Richard comes across as strangely likable in his confessions but in the book he comes across as a complete heartless git. He beat his wife so bad that she miscarriage 3 times. Once he beat her so bad the dead babies leg was sticking out his wife's vagina.
