Sophie's Hair?!?

Why did it stay grey/white? I wanted it to go back to brown!!
I know this is really stupid, but it's just really bugged me :P


I always felt it was 'residue' from the Witch of the Waste's magic.

Though it does prove something very good, in that Sophie seemed to think of herself as plain and unattractive, but at that point in the film, she's abandoned all thinking about her beauty and attractiveness. Maybe that's what Miyazaki was trying to get through: your beauty shines through no matter how you look. Even Howl saw that when Sophie doubts herself in that floating garden.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Ahhh, that's a very good way at looking at it, thanks! :)


I sometimes wonder if it was also Miyazaki's take on maybe how some Japanese girls/women want to emulate Western influences in look and style in hopes to be more attractive.

Given the difference between Sophie and her sister Lettie, I got that idea. It seems that in the town and world they live in, the women who are blonde haired/blue-eyed are the more attractive to the people.

Sophie blends right in, but at the restaurant, Lettie is just fawned over by all these men.

Even Howl adopts blonde hair to his already blue-eyes. Though later on, he grows to accept just being himself with his original black hair.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Ahhhh, I see!! I always thought Howl looked better with his blonde hair, but that's just my attraction to blonde guys :D


"Ahhhh, I see!! I always thought Howl looked better with his blonde hair, but that's just my attraction to blonde guys :D"

I guess we've reached an impasse then. :P

I'm half-Chinese and being around black/brown hair and brown eyes, my preference fit moreso into that part of my family.

Though my Uncle married a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, and she kind of reminds me of Sophie's Mom with her attitude.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Oh wowwww, that's great! :)


A little off topic but I liked Howl with the Black hair though i do like blonds also lol

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I did like Howl with black hair too - just liked him with blonde just a littttllle more. His red hair was interesting though :P


If you read in the spoilers it says that Sophie kept her grey hair because it showed the wisdom she had gained in her journey.

Plus when you have Howl telling you it looks like star light. ummm I don't think I'd mind so much!

It’s good to dream


Ahhhhh, never thought of that - thank you!! :D

Say something that's against someone's opinion on IMDB, prepare to get a whole lot of hate.


This is somewhat of a western myth.
If you live in japan you will see that Japanese are not emulating western influences at all. They're assimilating anything and everything into their own styles. They really don't want to be just like the west. They'll take what they want from it and make it their own.


I always felt it was 'residue' from the Witch of the Waste's magic.

Though it does prove something very good, in that Sophie seemed to think of herself as plain and unattractive, but at that point in the film, she's abandoned all thinking about her beauty and attractiveness. Maybe that's what Miyazaki was trying to get through: your beauty shines through no matter how you look. Even Howl saw that when Sophie doubts herself in that floating garden.

This is pretty much how I feel on this subject.


I love your summary of the morals presented in the brilliant decision to keep Sophie's hair white/grey. I've also heard it said that it could have been a possible allusion to the wisdom that Sophie gained over the course of her journey.

Regardless, this decision was indeed Miyazaki's- the the novel by Diana Wynne Jones Sophie's hair returns to brown after the spell is broken.


I like the white hair better. It shows she's special. They did the same thing in Monsters vs. Aliens with Ginormica (Reese Witherspoon). I liked her better with white hair too. See link:



I agree, I liked her hair better brown, thou it didn't bug me all that much that it became white. As for howl I liked his blonde hair better, but black suited him better [contradictory, i know right :( ]


Well also, Howl remarks how her grey hair reminds him of starlight. I think that is meant to show Howl's childhood flooding back into him after he gets his heart back.
Just something to keep in mind.


Just to let you know, a lot of people born with white / blonde hair actually end up having black hair by the time there in their 30's. I was born with white hair and its now light brown / brown.

Maybe Howl was born with blonde hair ...


i liked that her hair stayed that way !!!she looked a lot more pretty with it..
even though i reckon brunette is the best hair colour!!the way her hair ended up being suited her better

booty shake it body rocket


I always thought that the gray hair was like a scar left behind even though the curse was gone.


It's usually seen as either a scar/remainder or as a sign of wisdom. That said, hair dye is plentiful. :)


Its possible I missed something but I don`t think the curse was ever officially lifted. It got weaker and weaker throughout and her love for Howl temporarily removed it more and more often but it was never said to be lifted.
I guess the young woman with the old hair colour at the end was the result of the curse not being completely gone.

Also, she was prettier with the grey hair anyway ;)


In the original story her hair went back to ginger/golden red X)

I do like this movie, but the book's storyline is so much better, this movie version just goes mental from the middle and to the end, unfortunately.

I mean, the witch here isn't scary at all, she is just an old confused lady in the movie, whereas in the book she is known for her beauty and cruelty.


"I mean, the witch here isn't scary at all, she is just an old confused lady in the movie, whereas in the book she is known for her beauty and cruelty."

I felt Miyazaki mainly made a film where the characters were trapped by their thoughts of identity, and beauty.

Howl uses magic to make himself 'beautiful,' and the Witch of the Waste's magic powers were largely to try and keep her beautiful...though in her own way.

In the beginning, Sophie feels she isn't pretty, as seen by her expression in the mirror, as well as how bright and pretty her stepsister Lettie looks.

The film is largely about learning to accept yourself for who you are, which explains why Howl lets his natural black hair color stay after the 'potions incident,' and why the Witch of the Waste lets go of her obsession to have Howl's Heart.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Her hair stayed grayish white because it was like a scar from the curse. The FAQ states this as well.


There were so many hair colour and style changes, the film started to resemble a shampoo commercial.🐭


Grey hair became a big trend a couple of years ago.
