Underwritten role?

I thought Sibet's role was not fully developed in the script.You never know why she is the way she is.A superficial reason is given that she wanted to have fun,but does that really account to her becoming so unhinged as she did?
I do not really mind it the way it is, but in comparison with Cahit the writing effort is a bit uneven.



Sibel is the way she is because she is caught between two worlds/cultures. A lot of us that live in the west and come from immigrant families go through this. You have to balance the foundation that your family has set for you against the moral fluidity of the society that you live in. It's easier for guys but I knew a lot of second generation girls from more "liberal" societies than the Islamic Turks in the movie and they still struggled with this. It was a delicate balance and when they did "slip" the end result was usually pretty bad.
