What happened when ???

At the end of the first disc Kevin was being kicked off the stage...
Does anyone know why they didn't continue on with this on Disc 2 or whatever happened? Disc 2 just picks up as if nothing...very bizzare. Thanks


Well, for one, thing, the whole movie is cut from a number of "Evenings" with KS. So as for what happened when, it's kind of irrelavent. Certainly the movie is not sequential. I think it was just a clever way to mark the end of the first disc, nothing more.


I think i heard that he was quoted to have a certain amount of time onstage to do his Q&A and he went over. I guess the whole thing was supposed to end at like 9:30, 10:00 at night, and he continued to answer questions until about 1:00 in the morning, and the Union was getting pissed he went that far. The guy said "They've told me several times to CUT IT OFF". I guess "cut it off" meant he needed to say goodnight and they needed to end the show and clear the building.

"Imagination is the Figment"
