
This movie rocked because of the violence, suspense, and action, plus the girls. The CG was medicore at best but did anyone notice that these actors have been in the same movies before. They just went after a bunch of actors that been in the same movies before.

Better than Komodo.


This movie blew chunks. The action was awful a.k.a. they carry guns, but they're useless as you don't ever see hits on the "komodo" (too low budget to show impact). The CG was mediocre. Plus, they show a two-minute clip of a pair of Tomcats taking off the deck of and aircraft carrier as if the production company that made this took great strides to make it happen. Not to mention the fact that they took like 1960's footage of Battleship Row, I think, when they wanted to make a transition. All of the women in this movie are no talent blondes who make up for their horrible acting with their cup size (did anyone else notice that every single woman in that film was a blonde with huge knockers but me?). It was like type casting.

The dialogue is so cliche and making relationships in this film, any at all, is putting insult to injury. We're in a new millenium, people. Stop making this filth.


Bad, bad acting. Awful bad evil acting. And here is a question: If you want to make a super weapon, why make a large predator you cannot control?


I know for a fact that Komodo Dragons do NOT roar, they hiss at best, but I guess the name "Komodo" was used merely for its ring.


Certainly not a great movie, but damn fun to watch. I thought it was a pretty good escapist no-brainer type of a movie, plus I really enjoyed the female eye candy.

I only wish it coulda' had a bit more corny humor, like more of the one-liners that Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies are famous for, thus making it more of a cult classic.

I got a kick out of that airstrike scene near the end. They made numerous goofs: the F-14 Tomcats were shown firing small, wingtip-mounted missiles. These are used for shooting down other fighter jets, they're clearly NOT napalm bombs. Also, several times they showed the F-14's - inbound to an airstrike - with their tail-hooks down. The tail-hook is down only when the jet would be returning to the carrier for a landing (so as to snag the arresting cable on the deck of the carrier). During the airstrike they showed so many napalm explosions on the ground that there's no way a couple of F-14's could have done all that - plus the F-14 is primarily a fighter jet, not a bomber (although it could be equipped to carry laser-guided ordnance, but certainly not a bunch of napalm bombs).

Anyway, I liked the very last line in the movie, from Drake. "You gotta' be kidding me..." (or something like that).


Horror/Monster movies add these little extra endings, which they did here (Drake on the beach at the end.) And this one was very very funny, as you say Eric.


Yeah, I'd like to tip my hat to the crew of people who made this fun movie, in appreciation for their efforts. Like I said, it certainly wasn't a *great* movie, the CGI was pretty lame and all that, but it's just one of those great Saturday afternoon kill-time-enjoy-yourself kind of movies, and I thank the "Komodo" crew for doing that. I look forward to seeing it again.


The F-14 footage was STOCK FOOTAGE, some of it was recycled from TOP GUN (1985), the attack on the village (including the napalm run) was taken straight out of BAT 21 (1988). Jim Wynorski (aka Jay Andrews) always takes stock footage and recycles it. The stock footage of battleship row was taken from the 1980s in Pearl Harbor, but since the end of the cold war, you don't see squat parked in Pearl Harbor any more.


Not just good - absolutely tops. They haven't made monster films like this for a long time.

If you enjoyed this, you might also enjoy Python, Directed by Richard Clabaugh. Don't forget to listen for the serpent's footsteps. Also, it has a brief lesbian sex scene - don't say I didn't warn you.


The guy who plays Drake in Curse of the Komodo was in a softcore porn movie before.

Now insult my intelligence and taste in movies, you know you want to.


*Kind of Spoilers"

Who the *beep* would want money over their life.


"During the airstrike they showed so many napalm explosions on the ground that there's no way a couple of F-14's could have done all that"
On top of that - right after the napalm explosions they would show the guy in an open field and the helicopter on the nice green grass. Where was the inferno they just showed 3 seconds before? - LOL - That poor editing made this movie enjoyable to watch.

I also like the fact that they would pump round after round of bullets into the beast, but no blood - they could have at least shown a little - sure the thing was huge, but come on.


I just saw this movie for the first time on Saturday on the SciFi channel. Like everyone else who posted, I noticed the goofs but it still was an okay movie in a corny sort of way.


I kinda liked this movie too. here's a simple breakdown
Dialogue- tedious
Script- cliche
Boobs- great
ending- stereotypical
Also, i have a plot hole to point out. the scientist guy, the father of the blonde chick w/ the big boobs, said that the Komodes were grown for food, before he realized this was the government's cover up story. How dumb is he? If they were growing FOOD, why the hell would they breed giant Lizards? a cow would be a smarter choice, wouldn't it?

"If it bleeds, we can kill it"


Also, i have a plot hole to point out. the scientist guy, the father of the blonde chick w/ the big boobs, said that the Komodes were grown for food, before he realized this was the government's cover up story. How dumb is he? If they were growing FOOD, why the hell would they breed giant Lizards? a cow would be a smarter choice, wouldn't it?

Dr. Phips said that Project Catalyst was designed for food, not the komodos. I'm guessing that the komodos were eating the genetically-altered food and became the large size due to a "mutation".

Anywho, this movie absolutely rocks. I revel in its awfulness whenever it's on the Sci-Fi channel; just like Snakehead Terror with Bruce Boxleitner and Carol Alt.

First time?
No, I've been nervous lots of times.
