Antagonist was lacking

I liked this movie, Bone was a cool character but a hero is only as good his antogonist. There never seemed to be any real threat to bone throughout the entire film. He walked through every villain without even breaking a sweat.

Yes there was conflict but no real conflict. No conflict = no drama.

James wasn't even competent enought to kidnap either of the Bones girls... or the boy! WTF James... can you do anything right? Bones was always two steps ahead of James. Every Superhero should have some weakness but not Bones...

The only guy who beat Bones was the old man playing chess, and my gut instinct told me that Bones threw the match just to make the old man feel good.

Even the two loudmouth kids had to get arrested before the movie ended.

This movie had so much going for it but it lacked the authenticity that would have made it great.


I kind of agree but PRETTY BOY PRICE did put up somewhat of a fight. I hope that a sequel is done and in it Bone has to face an opponent even tougher than Price who absolutely rivals him in toughness and fighting ability, it would be cool to see him really meet his match.


I like this movie for that reason. Probably the first movie I've seen where the protagonist is ridiculously awesome.


In that case you must have never seen a BRUCE LEE movie or a SUPERMAN movie.


His name should have been Juggernaut instead of Bone, because he was freakin' unstoppable.




This was like a Bruce Lee movie. The hero clearly has it on the bad guys. Even in the end he took a few licks just like Bruce Lee then proceeded to show that he was just putting on.


I'm with Deicidium on this one. It was a refreshing change to see the main fighter do consistently well even at the final fight. Usually they take a ridiculous amount of pounding first then fight back. This one was good.


Well The Hitman you must admit Price DID do some damage and put up a better fight than any of Bone's other opponents so it was not a totally effortless victory, that being said I hope there is a sequel and in it he has to face someone tougher than price who really makes him work for his victory.


I think the antagonist was the only flaw in the movie. James wasn't a good foil. They should have just had the kingpin be the enemy. At least he had more sense.

I think overall they tried to make Bone too invincible. He never broke a sweat and only got felled, briefly once in the final fight. Otherwise, he was in total control the whole way. It was like watching a Seagal movie where he neer allows himself to be hurt or beaten. I guess White figures all these white martial artists get to make themselves look invincible, why not me? So I say ok, you got that out of the way with this movie. Now make your characters complete and allow them to grow instead of just making them Superman from the jump.


eeleyebrown I posted on a youtube clip about the final fight that Bone won it too easily, and I agree with your comment about Steven Segal movies. The writers should not allow the final and supposedly most difficult opponent in a martial arts movie to be beaten too easily by the hero. Price putting up a better fight would have been cooler.

Maybe if a sequel is done (a big "if" sadly) he could face an even tougher opponent than Price that could push him to his limits.


I liked it because the resolution wasn't about the fight, it was about a grand chess move. The combatant didn't appear throughout the movie so we weren't invested in him beyond watching him get taken down a few pegs. The other two baddies (Englishmen, I forget their names) provided plenty of entertaining, threatening villilainy.

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I think the antagonist was the only flaw in the movie. James wasn't a good foil. They should have just had the kingpin be the enemy. At least he had more sense.

I think overall they tried to make Bone too invincible. He never broke a sweat and only got felled, briefly once in the final fight. Otherwise, he was in total control the whole way. It was like watching a Seagal movie where he neer allows himself to be hurt or beaten. I guess White figures all these white martial artists get to make themselves look invincible, why not me? So I say ok, you got that out of the way with this movie. Now make your characters complete and allow them to grow instead of just making them Superman from the jump.

Agreed fully.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


I'm glad it was written the way it was....finally. I expected one of the ladies to get killed or kidnapped, or both killed, and then Bone goes off. That would've been typical. It was nice for a change for the hero to be two steps ahead. Besides, I hope they do a sequel or two or a Kung Fu. Then we can discover and explore an original creative weakness of some kind. As for Roberto (old man) and Bone's chess playing. I believe Bone lost legitimately. They challenged each other to play better because Roberto wins and tells him he plays 3 steps ahead. Then Bone beats him and says I play 4 steps ahead. Then Roberto beats him and says I play 5 steps ahead. Well I hope we see more. Since this one was done in 2009 it's already a five year gap. Hope they do something while he is still in good form. This to me is a classic. I hope no one takes this wrong. Especially good to see an african-american hero. Would love to see him as super hero i.e. Black Panther or like I said earlier Kung Fu type series drifter.

Excellent, excellent movie. To me a movie I bought that will be watched again and again like Enter the Dragon.


I agree. The writing was perfect.
It all boils down to the chess games Bone enjoyed with Danny and Roberto. "Think 3 moves head."
Which is what Bone did throughout the movie.

"I can arrange for you a humiliating death. And, so we're on the same page, it will involve sheep."
