Jumped The Shark 'fast food'

That episode is the worst episode they have ever done! It was completely agenda driven. A couple of fat guys trying to act like fast food is healthy! Awful! You notice in the 50's no one was fat. It's because when you wanted to get something to eat you "made" your lunch. You waited till you got home for dinner etc... All fast food is, is high fat and high salt food and that is going to get you fat and unhealthy if you eat it. And it's purely for lazy people that don't want to eat at home. Fast food is just for a lazy generation. Do you have any idea how much more thin we would be if there were no fast food?



Americans want instant gratification, costs be damned.

i would argue that americans NEED their meals to be quick. people are much busier now than they ever were before, and dont have time to prepare healthful meals at home (or they dont have the energy to). working two jobs and going to school and raising kids will take up a lot of your scehdule.

of course, this isnt always the case, but the fact remains that people are busier and have less spare time on their hands.


Sorry, most people have plenty of hours in the day, and they simply spend them on other things than preparing good food. TV, Video Games, dining out, and a ton of mind numbing activities take up a lot more time in people's lives than they are willing to admit to.


You missed the point of the episode. It wasn't about the fast food.
It's about the expanding nanny state in this country. If you think fast food is bad for you, fine, don't eat it, but don't try to infringe upon my right to choose what I eat.
That was what this episode was about. Did you listen to the anti-fast foodie? She was a condescending little witch who feels the entire world should bow down to her extreme wisdom.


BULLSHAT! They portrayed fast food is not that bad for you and it is...


Bull against you. There are varied menu choices at fast food places, many of which are perfectly fine. If you decide to eat the triple bacon, deep fried, mega meal with a giant sugared beverage, that is just as bad a decision at a fast food place as at your mom's house.

Choose wisely, it's not the food, it's your choices.


I think a huge problem is just that. I go to McD's once a week, order two sausage mcmuffins, two hash browns, and a small drink. Yeah it's like 1100 calories, but that still leaves me with 900 to burn on a 2000 calorie diet. The problem with fast food is that people will order what I ordered plus a large drink, a sausage burrito and griddle cakes, then pound down 4000 more calories in the rest of their day, and repeat the process 5 days a week with absolutely no exercise.


>>A couple of fat guys trying to act like fast food is healthy!<<

Uh, Teller's not fat. Neither is Penn, really, he's just genetically a large guy.

Now I can't tell if you didn't bother to watch the episode and wanted to scream about it anyway because you're a narcissistic *beep* or if you're just a moron, but at no point in the episode did they make the claim that fast food was "healthy". That's just you inventing arguments for yourself because you're too nmuch of an incompetent douche to address their actual arguments, which were (1) that it's up to the consumer to educate themselves and make repsonsible decisions and not the government or control-freak assclowns who can't be bothered to familiarize themselves with what they're arguing against and (2) that it's *beep* to single out fast food when dine-in food is just as, if not more, unhealthy.

>>You notice in the 50's no one was fat. It's because when you wanted to get something to eat you "made" your lunch. You waited till you got home for dinner etc...<<

You're making a false appeal to a Golden Age fantasy that exists nowhere outside of your imnagination.

>>All fast food is, is high fat and high salt food and that is going to get you fat and unhealthy if you eat it.<<

No, it isn't. It'll make you unhealthy if that's ALL you eat, and do no exercise.

>>And it's purely for lazy people that don't want to eat at home. Fast food is just for a lazy generation. Do you have any idea how much more thin we would be if there were no fast food? <<

So do you have any other form of argument, aside from piling fallacy on top of fallacy?




>>liutenantsalt you're a moron and just proven yourself to be a fat guy thats eats junk food.<<

Can you explain how your inability to debate or pay attention to half an hour's worth of television indicates that i eat too much junk food?


Then shut the *beep* up, and sit the *beep* down you *beep* Food Nazi *beep*



In the 50s no one was fat? Wrong. So let's just broom the rest of your poorly thought out premise.

As far as "making" your lunch, food "automats" with premade cheap food were around since before the 20's, and plenty of processed food for the home/lunch was invented in the 40's.

And it's actually the high sugar in fast food that is bad for you, fat is necessary for nutrition and is usually less of a problem than overconsumption of carbohydrates, and salt is highly overblown as a problem.

Annnnd done.





>>Weird episode. Implied that someone's trying to take your Big mac away.<<

Gee, wherever could they have gotten the idea that Left Wing government entities would want to use tax dollars to enforce people's eating habits?



look no further than california, my friend. they are constantly trying to pass laws that make doing business difficult for fast food companies such as forcing them to display calories on menus, making it illegal to give toys away with happy meals (thank you san francisco!) some states even have laws forbidding fast food places from opening period.

Gee, wherever could they have gotten the idea that Left Wing government entities would want to use tax dollars to enforce GOOD eating habits?

ok, i fixed the grammar, now what is your response?



not the larger chains, no. but it would make things difficult by nickel-and-diming the restaurants for all they have. having to reprint and redistribute new menus to every store (even though nutrition facts were already available). stuff starts piling up. and in the end, its just the government forcing their nose into the private sector, dictating how they conduct everyday business.

im not going to argue for the healthfulness of fast food. not in a million years. but i get a little worried when government agents start trying to shut private businesses down. and yes, i do believe there is a concentrated effort to shut down fast food, especially from the left.



"Jb is right. I posted on this as well. The episode was just ridiculous. The argument was that fast food is unhealthy. They didn't prove it was healthy,"

It was never their intention to argue that fast food is "healthy", nobody is making that claim. Maybe you and JB should actually try responding to the arguments they DID make, instead of hiding behind Straw Men.


>> All fast food is, is high fat and high salt food and that
>> is going to get you fat and unhealthy if you eat it. And it's
>> purely for lazy people that don't want to eat at home.

I can cook much more unhealthy at home... I can fry my morning eggs in bacon grease, cook sliced potatoes in duck fat, and deep fry in lard or peanut oil... in fact my grandmother, who lived to the nice age of 99, did cook exactly like this.
