Their stance on 9/11

I agree with almost everything they comment on, and respect their opinions and views on the subjects I don't agree on, but whenever they bring up 9/11 I want to break the TV. How can two level-headed fellows such as them be dead set against the idea of 9/11 being an inside job, or, at the very least, that the Government knew ahead of time that it was going to happen? I think the facts that the memo was on Bush's desk, that policies were changed at the Pentagon hours before the planes hit and that a billion-dollar insurance policy was taken out on the WTC a few weeks beforehand are all proof that SOMEONE knew ahead of time.

Aside from that, there are just overwhelming details against the official story, and that each new piece of evidence points away from said story being true. I learned a long time ago that when new evidence starts coming to light, it almost always points in the direction of the truth. Hell, the fact that 1/3rd of the people the Government claims hijacked the planes were alive and well weeks after the attacks should tell them something, shouldn't it? "Oh, we incorrectly read the passenger manifests and almost ruined the lives of these people by labeling them terrorists. Oops." That's... ahem... *beep*

Now that I think about it, most "conspiracy theories" they address have much more truth to them than they claim... the UFO situation, especially. As a person who has seen one, I find it both hilarious and sad that P&T are with the "it's just swamp gas, you moron" crowd.


1) You haven't seen a UFO, you are full of crap. Get some F-ing help.

2) 9/11 was not a inside job there is too much evidence to prove otherwise. I believe Bush knew something was going to happen but he did not know the date nor the time.
But 9/11 happened the way they said it did. DEAL WITH IT.

Get some help you nutjob.


The only way three people can keep a secret is to kill one.

I've heard it claimed that the towers were dropped by controlled demolition. The folks at CDI have said it would take about three months and 30 people. Thirty people wandering around with torches and six foot pieces of shaped charges.


Bbethany7The 15 Saudis were recruited to be part of a terrorist exercise directed at the WTC and Pentagon. A U. S. bureaucrat in Riyadh was reluctant to issue visas to any of them. Enter Richard Armitage, a strong-arm thug who held high positions in the State Department and the DOD. He over-rode the diplomat to grease the visa process, thus the 15 Saudis came to the U.S. to participate in a government project. They were trained to be conspicuous in behavior so they could lay down a trail of clues that would be useful after 9/11 was done for real. This entire rigmarole was carefully plotted, with thousands of minute details necessary to its successful execution. Sure enough Americans swallowed the story whole, believing all the manufactured elements that were prepared for the Mass Media to sell the myths of 9/11. It turned out to be an enormous success, spawning not only 2 rogue wars, but fomenting an avalanche of legislation designed to deprive American citizens their historic rights guaranteed by the Constitution. All of this  points to a human trait called "cognitive dissonance", a condition when someone has a long held belief so deeply rooted in their psyche that they cannot see anything else, even if visible facts present themselves that prove contrary to their belief. People don’t want to accept the deaths of nearly 3000 perpetrated by their own “leaders” on 9/11. It also worked on Dec. 7, 1941, the difference being that Japanese DID do the attack after intense provocation, and secret intelligence was withheld from the top Brass in Hawaii as well as the American people, many of whom resisted entry into WW 2 until this event gave them no choice.
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As a person who has seen one,
Which of these two things did you see?

1. A space ship from another planet.

2. An object in the sky, which you couldn't identify.


You can whip a country into a furor with a false flag attack without killing thousands and crashing multiple planes. You dont need a massive attack on civilians to incite people into irrational behavior and want of war.


It's Beaune they are two level headed fellows, as you said


Here's what I think.

1. While no one in the Government specifically knew how 9/11 was going to happen (and no one certainly CAUSED it to happen), the secret is Bush and Cheney hoped something like it would happen and probably didn't do a whole lot to ensure it couldn't happen because they had an agenda they wanted to push, which was goose the military industrial complex after the "post Cold War" era had people questioning the necessity of all of America's military might and to put a grip on our civil liberties.

I imagine they assumed it would be something relatively simple like another bombing like what happened in 1993, if they had known the full scale it's possible they would have gotten cold feet, but it says it all that our leaders would be willing to leave America open to a devastating attack simply because they have an agenda.

2. All the 9/11 conspiracy theories about "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" and thermite bombs and drone airplanes and so on and so on was an intentional misinformation campaign (especially the "documentary" Loose Change) to obfuscate the issue and make questioning the official story of 9/11 a matter of loony conspiracy theories rather than fact.


Anyone who didn't get the joke that you're watching a show by two well known illusionist who are paid by a higher up to say things, that they're watching a show straight up called "Bull***t", should try and figure out how TV works.

Not only was the conspiracy episode nothing but Penn ranting for half an hour like someone cut his d*** off, and zero evidence actually presented, but the show has to resort to cheap tactics. Like adding in scary music, editing footage and adding voiceovers for "interviews" they weren't even around for. Jay Leno does something similar on his show, except there people are aware he's editing an interview by someone else, and makes it look funny. Here though it's just an example how easily fooled people are by some cheap tricks.

I seriously lost respect for these two as the years went on as I found out more things about them. This show indeed is bulls*** and some topics can easily by debunked by a simple 5 minute google search. Granted some of the topics they address obviously is fake like Nostradamus prophecies, end of the world and any "psychic" who needs cold reading. But then there are other topics that just screamed their sponsors needed them to shut people up about like GMOs, vaccines, and their least researched topic, conspiracies theories. But as I comment on another thread, many people who believes the government and mainstream media are not educated and needs them to do their thinking for them.


I think you and Jill Stein need to see a therapist.


A) because you're an absolute moron
B) they actually did a show on conspiracies
