I lived it

When I saw this film in 2008 I identified myself because I lived this period up to 1990 and through medias ,This the story of my life lived up to thinking that Red Brigades were the only solution to all the problems ,how wrong I waS the film must be included in the 10 top worldwide films of the 00 decade


Thats amazing. I just saw the movie and I must say I lived it too. I mean that in another sense ofcourse. What a great film. I didnt know Italian cinema could be so good. I usually dont cry when watching movies but I cried during serveral scenes. I recommend everyone see this movie to see what little time we have in this world.


Well Italian Cinema yes is good recently I saw few Italian Films trough the Italian Television, you should go to any independent dvd renter ,where I live there is one only with Foreing films look for the director Comencini and where there is the actor Lo Cascio
Also of course the oldies Fellini,Antonioini etc


So where's the background for Matteo's going crazy on us. I saw the documentary on the brilliant woman journalist who left her family, and took her twin daughters with her on her radical wanderings around Germany, then hung herself in prison. There were a lot of echos of that same theme with the brother's lover, who left them. What in the world could do that?

"He who swaps his liberty for the promise of 'security' deserves neither." Ben Franklin


atteo had to die because he rappresented the terrorist years why not kill the terrorist then?Too easy the policeman rappresemted the state where the red brigate hit at the heart with the kidnapping of moro in 78.
That is the only solution for the authors
