MovieChat Forums > La meglio gioventù (2003) Discussion > The greatest film ever made. Period.

The greatest film ever made. Period.

"The Best of Youth" is the greatest film ever made. I saw it last September, and have seen it two more times since. The viewer gets helplessly sucked into the lives of these wonderful, vibrant, discrete characters, and never for a second finds their lives dull or uninteresting. The movie is curiously void of the synthetic theatrics we see so often in movies today -- such as spectacular chases or scandelous adultery or violent murders -- and as a result, the story feels real and powerfully authentic.

It doesn't really progress like most other films do. I was never really conscious of the time passing me, and usually I get tired of even 90-minute flicks. The payoff is beyond enormous, when we slowly come to realize that we have followed these characters through the course of their lives -- no easy task -- and this realization becomes very true in the last moments of the film, when Andrea and his girlfriend look at the same sights in Norway that Niccola had thirty years earlier. This scene, and the maxim of the film which shortly follows -- "Everything in life is truly beautiful" -- is enough to elicit tears at each viewing.

I've never seen anything close, nor ever felt anything remotely resembling the feelings I get while watching this movie. I wish it wouldn't end, I want to stay with these miraculous people forever. In a way, I wish the movie wasn't six hours so that more people can experience it; but of course by shortening it, the sense of great breadth and depth is lost. The length defines the story, and is a testament to how involving this grand story is. A story like this deserves six hours (at the very least), and is unmatched in the cinematic realm.

Who else agrees with me? I have not read one complaint about "The Best of Youth" by anyone who has actually seen the film.

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Clinton: One lie, no deaths = Impeachment
Dubya: Countless lies, 2500 deaths = Reelection.


I heartily agree!

In terms of filmmaking, yes, there are better technical achievements. But in terms of having a film affect me, there's never been an experience like this.

I saw it in the theatre, and yes, six hours passed in an instant. I never shifted in my seat. I never checked my watch. I cried for about 45 minutes solid. And I was disappointed it had to end.

The next morning when I woke up the first thought in my head was of this film. The impression a movie makes on me seldom lasts past the doors of the theatre, but somehow, this one stayed with me. I thought about it every day for weeks afterwards.

And I can't quite identify why it was that it touched me so. Perhaps part of it is the length - you don't often get the chance to spend so much time with characters. But there's something more in its gentleness and the love it has for its characters, and how inexorable the forces of life - love, death, birth, aging - are.

I've watched it twice since - so three times in one calendar year. And I'm now up to crying for about three hours solid.


Love, love, loved this movie! Bliss.


Greatest movie ever made? I'm not sure about that, but I do know for sure that this 6 hour Italian drama held my interest from the very beginning to the very end and that's gotta mean something. Bravo to the film makers and the fine cast of actors.


No one film is the "greatest ever made"....this one is however one of the 10 best. A real sign is how the film affects one upon multiple viewings....Best of Youth gets better (especially in the tears department).

Another sign of a classic....audiences grow over time. This film was showing in San Francisco and was brought back three times due to popular demand. The fist time I saw the film, the theater was about 10% full. The last time I saw it, 95% full.

In a film as involved as Best of Youth it is easy to only look at the story and characters but as a work of cinema, this is a masterpiece of cinematography and editing and sound design and art direction in that every shot, every edit, every sound, every set adds to the story and says something about a character. Nothing is done for convention or for fluff.

My personal favorite shot in the film is the circular tracking shot when Matteo takes photos of Giorgia and discovers her electric shock scars. That whole scene is only one slow tracking shot and it tells so much.

When anyone says "they don't make films like they used to" this is the exception. This is one of "those" films.


totally agree.IN particular, the juke box sequence among others makes me dizzy with emotion.Literally.


gypsyola, wow me toooo I felt so much emotion in that scene! the way she was looking at him! I was floored by how touching and honest that scene was! Glad you think so too! :)


I just watched Best of Youth last night! Ir what was one of the best times I've had watching a movie. I want to watch it again now, but its too long! Lol, oh well. I'll hold the movie in my heart.


I have to agree. This is probably the best movie I've ever seen as well.


This may not be the best ever but definitely one of the best. The characters, the acting, the story, the vision...I wept and marvelled at the beauty of this masterpiece.


It's certainly one of the greatest films I ve ever seen.
it has actually changed my life.


First and foremost, this is a definite 10 out of 10 effort which even the hardest cynic would find difficult to dispute however let it also be made clear that this is not even the best saga of a family that has ever been made. That honour goes to the untouchable Heimat by Edgar Reitz. It is in a class of its own.


Wow im soooooo confused right now! I was watching Best of Youth on Sundance and the movie ended suddenly. I was left feeling very confused. I had watched these same characters before but it was another storyline that ended another way. So is it a series, a movie, or both? Please help! Sorry if I sound stupid, I'm just really confused right now and I just want to make sure how this story is presented.



