DVD release?

Is there any word on a US DVD release?

"If your 555 then I'm 666"


None that I've heard of.

Ramones, the best band ever.


I'm really bummed out by that!

This was part 3 of a triple-bill on Sci-Fi 3 yrs ago, and I got to see the first 2, Spiders and Spiders 2, which were spooky enough. The I watched about 20 mins of this and found it even more eerie.

But then my girlfriend wanted to go out for dinner, and I figured I could get a VHS or DVD of it. Later found out there isn't any in the US! Argh!

I know it's on VCD somewhere in Asia but haven't found it yet.


Why don't you...wait for the DVD...I'm going to have a look around...

You don't spin a menorah.
