An Utter Crock

This has to be the worst "film" ever committed to celluloid. It is just so Awful. Everything about it is so 5th rate. The script is terrible, the acting is amatuer, and the direction is piss poor even for a "T.V. movie". Don't even start me on the continuity.

OK so lets talk about the scene when Lucy Jenner's "character" sees another patient throw himself off the roof of the hospital. You might think that this may have had some affect on her or that when the doctor's came rushing in to her room that she might have asked if that guy who had just tried to fly was ok. But no they start a calm conversation about something else entirely, as if the suicide of a few seconds ago hadn't happened.

And since when did a woman have to be able to read a guys mind to realise that when they are in bed having sex he is going to want a blow job.

The only good thing about this utter crock of $hit is Lucy Jenner's rack (and we don't even get to see it unleashed).

This "film" is so bad it would be funny if I hadn't actually paid good money to rent it. If you see this pile of junk on the shelf at your local DVD rental store then walk away very quickly.
