MovieChat Forums > Latter Days (2004) Discussion > how much time had passed between C being...

how much time had passed between C being told A had died and A's return

Are we given an idea of how much time had passed? Seems to have been a lot (due to her music video). Kinda hoping for answers to the opposite.

Also, what was sister Davis' realization re the pocket watch and the inscription that made her run after Christian? :/

Talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much.


Are we given an idea of how much time had passed? Seems to have been a lot (due to her music video). Kinda hoping for answers to the opposite.

A partial answer is contained in a deleted scene, which is included on the DVD.

During the scene where Julie shows Christian her video for the first time and they fight, it is raining in LA and Christian has recently returned from a snowy SLC. This indicates that it was winter.

In the deleted scene, Julie is just beginning a tour after her video has been released. She stops by Lila's to make amends with Christian, and to give him a gift---a lockable diary to serve as a journal. As soon as she leaves, Christian writes an entry dated June 21. This transitions to the existing scene of Aaron standing outside the door of Lila's with her business card in his hand. That would lead us to believe it was about 6 months (or a year and 6 months) since C & A had seen each other.

However, Cox precedes the deleted scene with text indicating that he intentionally deleted the scene because he wanted to shorten the timeframe of the story. This is the "answer to the opposite" you are looking for. The estrangment between C & A was probably only a matter of weeks.

Also, what was sister Davis' realization re the pocket watch and the inscription that made her run after Christian?

After asking C "are you one of the Elders? . .you have that look" and reading the biblical inscription on the watch "the greatest of these is charity" (from 1 Corinthians v13) Aaron's mother realizes she has judged Chris wrongly, and has not been thinking of him within the Christian spirit of love & charity. She runs out the door seeking his forgiveness, albeit too late.

The common interpretation of this final verse is "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love". I'm not even close to a biblical scholar. but I've never seen the "love" interpreted as "charity", although they are certainly related.


So much more than I was hoping for :) Thank you for taking the time to explain all that!!

The estrangement between C & A was probably only a matter of weeks.

Much less tormenting knowing that. Would have been awful to have been longer. Used to skip those 14 mins when I'd rewatch it.

Both facts make it even more enjoyable to watch now so thank you :)

Talk low, talk slow, and don't talk too much.
