

The music in the movie was absolutely amazing, so ethereal, transcendent almost, perfectly fitting the tone and flow of the film. The movie has become one of my favorites (it was the best blind buy I've ever made) and the music has stuck with me ever since I first watched it. I've been desperately searching for the soundtrack, and have tried to order it off of a couple of Thai entertainment websites, to no avail. At all the sites I have gone to, the soundtrack is either not listed or is listed but unavailable. I've tried file-sharing programs and have done searches on the artists/composers and still nothing. Does anyone have any sort of idea on if the soundtrack is available somewhere out there? Or what the status of it is? If anyone does, it would be über-appreciated if I could be told. Thanks.



I'm only nave just the ending song of the movies

If you interest, I can send it to you through msn

[email protected]


I'd love to get that song off's really hard to find thai songs on the net


my msn: [email protected]


